Dear Mom,
Hollaa!!! Well I have made it to the MTC! Well technically I haven't because I'm actually not staying at the MTC. I am at this really big nice house that's about 5 minutes from the MTC since the MTC is too full. So I get to sleep and study here and then every morning the rest of the missionaries and I will drive over to the actual MTC and be there all day.
Anyway, they only want me to write a very short letter, but I just wanted to let you know that I"m doing great! I was a little nervous during the flights but now that I am here and with all the rest of the elders and sisters it"s very comforting and fun! And by the way, I had no problems at all with any of my flights! I was one of the lucky ones!
Well even though I don't know that much Spanish, I can understand most of the elders and reply back with short phrases. All the other new elders I'm with hardly know any Spanish! So I'm glad I still remember my two years of Spanish with senor bell.
And I am also very grateful for you letting me go with you guys to go pick up Blake because they are very similar! So it's not all that shocking to me. You should have seen the other elders and sisters, they were having a little big of a culture shock. For only the little bit of Chile I have seen, it is beautiful! And very clean! I am so excited to go out and see more of it. But today they have just let us chill and rest, we've only unpacked our stuff and have eaten lunch and that's it! I'm kinda glad, though, cause I really am tired and thought they were going to make us start working right away. There is an Elder Cummings who I have already gotten pretty close to. All the rest of the elders are pretty quiet and keep to themselves, hopefully that gets better once we all start warming up to each other!
Well I have to go now! I just wanna let you guys know that I am already loving being a missionary! I got my tags today and it feels awesome! Thank you so much for raising me in the gospel and being such great examples to me. And mom, thank you for the little notes in my suit cases, when I was getting nervous in the airport, I read one and it really calmed me down. Thank you! I love you guys so much and am even more excited to go out and serve! But I have to go, so know you know that I'm okay, Mom, and you don't have to worry haha! Thanks again for everything!
Hasta luego!
Elder Cowan