Dear Mom and Family,
Ha ha, of course mom you are forgiven! I already told you that it is totally fine that you didn't write last week! And thank you for the letter and for the insights! I hope everything works out for the best with the house and the piano situation!
Now onto my awesome week! It was jammed pack with stuff and hopefully I will be able to write all about it!
Oh before I forget, Mom no I still haven't gotten sick yet and I still don't have any problems with my ears! So blessed! But anyway!! So last week on Pday we went to Pizza Hut and it was soooo good! I miss that American food so much! Ha ha and it was an awesome pday! Today I am getting a haircut and hopefully it will look good! There's a little store where this women does haircuts for the missionaries!
So this week one of my teachers went on vacation for a week so I got a new teacher and that means I got a new investigator as well! It was fun and the teacher was pretty serious about missionary work! He would make us do wall sit competitions and I won every time! ha ha! He was very impressed with my Spanish (which is a whole other thing that I cant wait to tell you he he), but first to do everything in order! Elder Cummings my district leader and the one that reminds me of Doug got really sick on Monday and got a huge migraine and he couldn't even move or open his eyes! And that morning I found my oil vile, but I thought to myself that I didn't need to bring it that day since it was pday but I got the prompting again and then again. So after the third time and right before I was about to leave for the CCM, I ran upstairs and got it and I am so glad I did! Because when Elder Cummings got really sick our teacher raced into our room and asked if any of us could give a blessing! I was the only elder in my district that had oil! So I was able to run and go give the blessing of the anointing of the oil to Elder Cummings and it was such an awesome experience for me! I am so glad that I followed that prompting to bring my oil!
Then on Tuesday we got to go to the temple again! Which I just love! This time I focused a lot on the specific covenants we make in there and I know that I am giving everything to the Lord these next two years! And when I was in the celestial room 1 Nephi 3:7 kept popping into my head. I wasn't sure why but I did find out why I needed to hear that scripture because I applied it to myself a lot this week! I will tell you later why!
Wednesday was actually Chile's Independence Day and it was awesome! They go all out and party crazy! Although we just stayed in the CCM it was still really cool to be able to experience their lifestyle! And for about two hours we got to go to a park where they had set up all these different stands and go look around and explore the lifestyle a little bit more! I love the Chilean people! There was actually this one lady who came up to us and kept asking us questions about our church and that was when I realized I could get her to be a referral! But then she left and I thought to myself oh well. . .then my teacher came over and told me that I better go get her address so that the missionaries can come by! So in the Spanish that I knew I found the lady again and got her address and phone number and got her to be a referral!!!!! YEA!! It was so awesome!!! Oh and that night we got to have ice cream and I love ice cream soooooo much! I am so a Dennis! Ha ha!!
Alright what else happened. . . well I did get my first headache on Friday which I am actually really surprised that that was my first one and it was only a small one! I have truly been blessed with good health and strength while I have been here! The only worry is getting fat ha ha but I have only gained two pounds! And I am working hard to get rid of those two pounds ha ha!! Friday we taught one of our investigators named Rafael who is the punk rock kid that I was telling you about, well we just dropped him today because the only times Elder Peel and I have been able to teach him he is completely high and doing drugs ha ha! It is sad that we couldn't help him! But!!! Do you remember our investigator Alejandro and how he was so frustrating and hard! Well yesterday was the last time everyone got to teach him and guess who got a baptism!!!!!?? Elder Peel and I did! And we were the only ones in our district! It was awesome! We just went in there and asked him how he has felt when he prays, and he said he had some good feelings but he wasn't sure and that's when Elder Peel and I for like half an hour just straight bore testimonies about the promptings and gift of the Holy Ghost! It was so intense and awesome!!! Holy cow! I feel like I am on cloud 9 and he isn't even a real investigator! Ha ha! So that was a huge thing that happened this past week!
Sunday, our district decided to fast and we were fasting for one of the Gilbert's family members named Tanner Larson who is only 4 but has a fused cerebrum and has over 1000 seizures a day and this Thursday he is going through a surgery where they are going to try to cut the brain and separate the cerebrum and they said it will either help him or kill him. So if you could keep him in your prayers that would be great! And guess who came Sunday?!!!! My mission president! He was the guest speaker at the devotional Sunday night so I got to meet him and his wife and man I already love them!! It is going to be great serving with them!
Okay a funny thing that happened last night was the prank Elders Cummings, Peel, Humphreys and I played on our new roommates! Elder Humphreys and I started to talk in my room about how we think Cummings was going to be going home and then Elder Cummings came in and got all mad at us for talking behind his back and we were all acting so good like it could've been in Hollywood! Ha ha! And then we started to push each other and then left. About two minutes later our roommates were freaking out!! Ha ha, but then we just started busting up laughing!! Ha ha it was awesome!! Ha ha!
Okay!!I I have 5 more minutes but I have HUGE news!!!! You know how I said my Spanish was getting really good?!! Well! President of the CCM called me aside one day and guess who is going to the Spanish district on Thursday!? This Elder!!! Yea! I guess it is really rare for them to move North American elders around and especially into Spanish districts! I am so excited! I get to be fully immersed in the language! I am a little sad because I will miss my companion and my district! But I am so excited at the same time! They said that all my teachers have told President that it is useless for me to be in the North American groups because my Spanish is already ahead of all of them! So I get to have a Latino companion!!! Wish me the best!
I have to go! I love you guys!!
Love Elder Cowan