Monday, November 24, 2014

Crazy Schedules and Faithful Prayers

Dear Family and Friends!

Woo hoo! I'm so pumped to hear from you guys! Sounds like all is going crazy good! Well, I'm gonna get straight into my letter for this past week! Well honestly, it was a little crazy! There were a ton of things that happened that weren't planned and weird scheduling and all but in the end we were able to still see the Lord's hand in our sector.

So the crazy schedules started Tuesday when Elder Brady was gonna go to the temple (And yes, Mom, I could have gone, but I chose to stay in my sector because I knew we weren't going to have a lot of time in our sector to work this past week.) So this whole week was crazy with splits and all. Tuesday Elder Brady went to one of the other branch sectors to stay with the two other elders that were gonna go to the temple Wednesday so that let Elder Alonso stay and work in our sector, which didn't turn out as great as we wanted, but we were able to get a lot of good contacts. Then, when all the missionaries came back from the temple we had our district meetings in the afternoon Wednesday where my companions and I as a trio were able to get back to together only for me to leave on splits right after the meetings to go to another branch sector with Elder Parker and Elder Ludeman.

I went there because Thursday in the morning Elder Parker and two other missionaries in our zone were going to have their "One Year mark" lunch with President and that meant that Elder Ludeman was going to be alone. So I worked with Elder Ludeman in his sector and he is a new missionary as well. Which, I think I say it all the time, but I just love being with new missionaries! Cualquier poder! We were able to find 3 new investigators for them and put some baptismal dates on some people. Then, Thursday night Elder Ludeman had to come with me to go to El Monte to meet up with my companions to do a baptism interview. At that time Elder Ludeman's companion came back and my companions were able to be together Thursday night.

But we weren't together for so long because the assistants wanted us to do a last split with one of our district leaders Elder Vinces and Elder Tait. So Elder Alonso went there. Then again Elder Brady and I weren't able to do a whole lot of stuff because that night there was a meeting with the stake mission leader and then a ward activity. :/ Then finally elder Alonso, Elder Brady and I were able to get back together Saturday to have a complete day together in our own sector.

I had talked with my companions before hand to excite them that we need to give it our all because we really didn't have a single investigator. Wd dropped them all as we made that decision in our weekly planning. You could say that I was really stressed the whole week because of the little time we had in our sector to work and how we were barley achieving anything. But I know there is a huge power in prayer.

I was praying day and night during the week, knowing that we wouldn't have much time, but at the same time knowing that Saturday would be a complete day to work. I prayed and prayed during the week that when Saturday came, the Lord would bless us with success. The scripture that was going through my head the entire week was pretty simple, but I would repeat it in my head over and over again. It's in 1 Nefi 18:3 " Yo Nefi subia con frecuencia al monte y a menudo oraba al Señor, por lo que el Señor me manifesto grandes cosas." I personally have a strong testimony of the power of prayer. I know that God, the all Being, with all power and knowledge, the First and the Last, Alpha and Omega, and all the other names you can give him, but what He asks us to simply call Him, Father. I know He is my Heavenly Father. I know He listens. I know He loves us. He is literally our Father. Oh, what comfort that gives me! 

I was able to see the Lord, as Nephi said, manifest great things on Saturday when we had the chance to take advantage of a whole day to work together in our sector. We were able to have 6 lessons and were able to find 9 new investigators! It was amazing! We worked and worked hard! I think I drove my companions a little crazy because I was basically running all day long going from one place to the next. It was an amazing feeling to just go where the Lord wanted us to go. It wasn't a thing where we sometimes think, "Oh, who should we go visit? or I think we should go over there or over here, etc. and etc." But instead it was, "I feel something here, I feel we should go back, etc." It was such a fulfilling sensation to FEEL where to work and not just go with the flow of things or think in our own ways of what we should do. All day Saturday was like that and we were able to just be guided where the Lord leads us. There was a moment where Elder Alonso wanted to go contact on the other side of our sector and as we started walking out of one mini sector it was as if I was a tied dog on a leash and something was driving me back.

So I hurried and turned back and I told my companions there was still more to do. They agreed and we went back and that is when we were able to find all those 9 new investigators. Now, I know not all those 9 new investigators are super prepared, but I know Veronica and Pilar were ready; they were the ones the Spirit was leading us to. Veronica has investigated a lot of different churches and really just wants to know the true Church. She has two little kids and her spouse, and there was such a strong spirit there.

Pilar was the other new investigator that we found who just made me day! That was one of the most powerful lessons I have had in some time! She has two nephews that were baptized in the church about 3 years ago and told us that she went to go see their baptism. There, she told us that she had felt something so strong and so powerful that she had never felt before in her entire life. We testified of the power of the Holy Ghost and really has a lot of desires to do the things in the way the Lord wants us to do them to have this spirit. I was just full of joy to think that her nephew who is a missionary in Brazil right now is probably extremely happy to hear that Pilar is taking the missionary lessons. Even though I don't know him, but just being a missionary myself I am so motivated to baptize Pilar in order to help this missionary in Brazil! 

Saturday night we received some huge news as well! Remember the plan piloto "El Rescate" that our mission and three other missions have been trying out since May? Well, Elder Evans came and talked to President where he said the results of how the plan is working and functioning and he was way impressed. He was so impressed that he has declared that all missions (26 missions) in the South America South region are going to start this misison plan in January of 2015! And He told President that he has never seen such great results in missionary work before and truly is proud. He told us that of the 4 misisons that have been trying this program out, our mission has had the best results. And He said that probably after all the missions in the South America South region have it, it will probably spread to ALL the misisons in South America! Wow! What a huge privilege to be one of the "Founding Fathers," as we call it, to start the Hastening of the Lord's work on a whole other level. Wow, crazy, it is that we were selected from revelation to be the ones to try this plan out! And how marvelous has the Lord blessed us! He truly is hastening His work! Awww it's just so awesome to think that now all these missions around us are going to start this program! Woo hoo! As Elder Evans told us, "We are legendary!" My heart is filled with gratitude for the blessings that we have received in our mission and in my life as an individual representative of Jesus Christ!

What a huge privilege to be on the Lord's side working with the Spirit in Hastening His work. There is so much joy in this work. I hope you will all be able to participate in this wonderful work! I love it, I love it, I love it!!! 
And I love you guys so much!!

Love Elder Cowan

Monday, November 17, 2014

Showin' the Greenies How to Work!

Dear Friends and Family!

How's everyone doing? It sounds like some crazy stuff is happening and that's incredible to hear! I love you guys so much! 

Well. . . .onto this week. . . well, I don't know what "title" to put for this week. I'm trying to recall my thoughts of what exactly happened. We were in a lot of different places this past week. But one of the things that we realized at the beginning of last week is that like half of our zone is training so there are a lot of newby missionaries here in the zone. And just like a normal greenie they are sometimes scared to take the initiative in the things and are still learning a lot. But we wanted to take advantage of our trio and go on a lot of divisions with the newby missionaries to help them out.
So we were able to go on divisions with Elder Palacios, Elder De Barebari, Elder De St. Jeor, and Elder Mendoza. Well, the last two elders we did the week before, but I never wrote you about those divisions, I think. But I just LOVE being with new missionaries! I think that's why President has had me been a trainer almost the whole year of 2014 except for this transfer, ha ha! So to start off, the first division was with Elder Mendoza, a little chubbier Chilean in our zone. He isn't like a fresh off the bake missionaries like the others, but we really wanted to help him out with his confidence and everything. So he came to our sector while Elder Alonso went with his companion to his sector. So it was Elder Mendoza, Elder Brady and I together. And we took out the trash that day! Ha ha! That is our goal we want to be able to work a butt load to be able to show the new missionaries on how to take the handles on everything and for them to receive the same excitement to go and do it in their sector. We were able to find two new investigators and had about 5 lessons that day. At the end of the day, Elder Mendoza was dead tired! Ha ha. I felt a little bad for the little guy, but when we were getting into bed he turned to us and said, "Even though I have never worked like that, and I'm super tired, you guys are great examples and now I'm super pumped to go do it with my companion."

It was nice to see the excitement of these new missionaries and to experience that from the get go they can achieve these things. It doesn't matter if you have 23 months or 2 months in the mission. It doesn't matter if you talk the language or not. What we focused on in our studies while we were with all the new missionaries is that none of that matters but the only thing that matters is our faith in Jesus Christ. If we believe we can. . . then we CAN! Thats all to it! That's all the secret to the work, that's all it takes! We really wanted to drill into their heads that we are here, as Dad taught me, "To make more leaders, not followers!" We challenged them to lead their sectors and not to just trust on their trainers. Really the greenies have a special greenie power, I'm being dead serious and it's contagious! Haha!

Another division was with Elder Palacio who actually has more time in the mission than me, but he is one of our district leaders and his companion was the one being instructed in our sector by Elder Alonso and Elder Brady. When we started the divisions off I just sat Elder Palacios down and asked him a lot of questions on how is sector is doing and his new missionaries and everything. He told me that there wasn't a lot of excitement between them and they really don't have any investigators progressing and their sector hasn't had a baptism for over a year and a half. That part stuck to me and bothered me to know that there hasn't been a lot of success. I really just wanted to show that the Lord is leading us and we have been chosen from the premortal life to come at this glorious time in the Lord's vineyard just as it says in D&C 138. And I explained to him that if we are the chosen, we find, teach, and baptize the chosen ones that He gives us. I got him pumped up for the day and we went to work. I felt like we needed to go to the apartment sections and we started to knock doors. We were there for only an hour and a half. But I can truly say that we saw the Lord's hand blessing that sector. He saw our faith and our attitude change and during that hour and a half we were there we were able to have 3 lessons, 2 new investigators, set up 8 appointments for the next two days, and put 2 baptism dates! Woo hoo! It was a miracle! Elder Palacios was on his bike (yes his sector is a biking sector) and just stopped in the street and looked like he had seen a ghost or something. I stopped as well and asked him what happened, he took off his helmet, put his arm on my shoulder and said thank you over and over again.

It was a pretty emotional moment for both of us. He was just overwhelmed because he had never worked like that before, and so he kept thanking me over and over again until I told him, "Elder. . . please don't thank me, I'm a missionary, and you're a missionary, you have been set apart, just as I have set apart, and we are both disciples of Christ and this is His work." He realized that as well, so we got off the bikes and in a grass field we both knelt down and offered a prayer of gratitude for the Lord's tender mercies over His missionaries. 

I know and have a strong testimony and conversion about the setting apart of my calling. I have been called of Him just as the other 85000 missionaries in the world. How marvelous is that calling. Even though I don't have time to write down all the experiences with our divisions, it truly was a great experience to see the faith of these new missionaries grow. At the beginning of the divisions I was lead in what to teach and what to say, but to be able to train and show these missionaries how to work in this beautiful calling we have was awesome to see. It was great to see some of these new, timid, missionaries at the beginning and then see them after the splits excited, taking the initiative, and really proclaiming this gospel with a voice of a trumpet as the scriptures say. 

So that's what we have been doing in the past two weeks with the new misisonaries in their first of second transfers here. Now they all call me, "Older brother, Elder Cowan." I love being their leader, truly the Lord has given a batch full of wonderful and dedicated missionaries that are ready to hit the ground running now! Now that we have shown and motivated the new missionaries on how to work hard and be diligent, now my companions and I really have to step it up in our sector because this will be the last full week we will have because after that it's just full of go-homer stuff for my companions with the goodbye meetings and classes and all. So now I have to show my companions that now is the time! NOW is the time for miracles, not to think about going home! Ha ha! Wish us luck and please keep us in your prayers that we will be able to finish this transfer hard! I know there is still is a LOT to do and the transfer is flying by! But at the same time I know the Lord is with us, I know He loves us and loves the people in our sector even more. I love being under His command, ready to respond to the call. The mission is the best!

Love Elder Cowan

Monday, November 10, 2014

ELDER RUSSELL M. NELSON!!! The Gathering of Israel

Dear Family and Friends!

As you can see in the title I'm SOOO pumped right now!! And that's because we had Elder Nelson come to talk to us! AWWWWWW!!! It was awesome! It was actually in the Santiago South Mission and so we went to the Santiago South Mission and we were able to listen to Elder and Sister Vinas, Elder and Sister Christensen, and Elder and Sister Nelson!!! Awww, it was amazing!

And the cool part was that even though we were two missions combined, Elder Nelson wanted to shake each and every missionaries hand! AWWW! IT was awesome! I got to shake Elder Nelson's hand and greet him! And, wow, it was just as you said, Mom, about the light of Christ. Having the chance to be inches from an apostle of the Lord, he just radiated with that spirit! He is so kind and so sweet! It was such an uplifting experience! 

Really they all talked and they were all incredible but some of the things that caught my attention was when Sister Christensen talked. She related her talk to the scripture mastery 2 Nefi 2:25 about how Adam fell that man might be and that they might have joy. Really she gave a powerful testimony of the joy we can receive from the Atonement of Jesus Christ. She explained that the only way to have joy in the mission is to have Him first in everything. She recounted how a lot of missionaries come out for a lot of different reasons, but the Savior is the reason for everything and should be the main source of all the happiness and joy we have in our missions.

Sister Nelson gave a talk about how we need to see ourselves as our true pre-mortal selves, of how we were before this life. If we understand who we were and look on who we are today we will know of the driving force we have to do everything to bring to pass the salvation and eternal life to all mankind. She talked about angels and how there are angels around every single person. Whether they are members or not members, they have family waiting on the other side stuck in spirit prison and are with them every step of the way, pleading and begging that their family members will receive us. Really, that changed my aspect a lot on how to look at the people we teach and contact--that no matter where they are, who they are or what they are doing, there are angels there, and I can be the one to save not just one but MANY souls unto Christ!

Really they were all great talks, but the thing that called my attention the most out of them all is the love that they showed for us. I really felt like the Savior was there telling us, "Well done thy good and faithful servant." I know these men and women have been called of God, they are special witnesses of our loving Savior Jesus Christ! 

Now onto the talk by Elder Nelson! He talked about the Gathering of Israel. And, holy cow, did he go straight to the meat in the doctrine! Ha ha! He first started talking about the Abrahamic covenant in the Old Testament and focused on the Gathering of Israel. Really, being from the tribe of Ephraim has a HUGE responsibility! And that's us! Really, I received a grand testimony that these really are the last days. Elder Nelson said that over and over and over again. And just to think that the Lord with His infinite and endless plan, has been saving me, Elder Cowan, for ions and ions of time to come and gather His Children. I really don't know who I was or what I was like before in the premortal life, but it is a testimony to me that really I have waited thousands and billions of years for these 24 months, the last quarter as Elder Nelson explained, that there's nothing else, and no one else. It depends on us. There is a lot of pressure, but as Elder Nelson used in Doctrine and Covenants 86:8-11 we have been preserved on the lineage of our forefathers (the tribes of Israel), the Lord has held me for this last quarter and we literally are Saviors for the house of Israel in these last days.

Wow! He sure did put the pressure didn't he! But I know what he testified was true. He really is an apostle of our Savior Jesus Christ. Our Savior and Redeemer! Just imagine that! We are here! He has kept us for these moments! Don't you feel the urgency?!!! I feel like I need to talk to everyone to save these precious souls of my brothers and sisters--to save the very souls of the descendants of the Book of Mormon, the very same tool that brought us to have the Restoration and priesthood for our salvation. I can't even explain to you of how precious it means to me to be here in Chile. Just as Elder Nelson taught us, the Book of Mormon will and is the most powerful tool in the whole entire world to gather these last tribes. I know the Lord promised to Abraham that these tribes would be gathered again, and even though it was more than 4000 years ago that that covenant was made, I know the Lord is the same! WE all have this great responsibility! And it's not just in baptism, but through the holy temples of the Lord! Which Elder Nelson gave us some marriage advice at the end, ha ha, he said that, "Elders. . . before you even think about proposing to a girl, you better know that she loves the Lord first." And that's our focus after the mission he told us! Ha ha.

I am so grateful to have my patriarchal blessing to have received it from my wonderful and loving grandpa! Through that I know the responsibility I have in these latter days. I know I can be a savior for these people, and I have never felt such happiness and joy from our own Savior Jesus Christ. May we all have this desire to gather the Lord's children and may we all feel the true joy of His Atonement. I know He lives and I know He is with us, leading and guiding His vineyard and preparing it for the last time. I love my mission and I love my Savior. He is the reason I am here. I love you all and may you all feel this love! Hurrah for Israel!!!!!

Love Elder Cowan

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Lord Puts Them in Our Path

Dear Family and Friends!

How's everyone going?! You guys are the best. seriously! Thank you all for always writing me and keeping me updated! I love hearing from you all! 

Well, I have a juicy letter to write for this week so that's why I'm writing my letter first in order to get straight to the business!

So just to describe our sector a little bit more it is huge! Ha ha, not like huge huge but it sure has a diversity of a lot of things! It's like having a bag full of stuff and pulling any random thing out! Ha ha, that's how our sector is! We have at the bottom of our sector the hospital with all the fancy rich 3 story houses up until the plaza of Talaganate with all the busyness of all that to up to the top of our sector which is at the base of the mountain and hills where it's the most humble place I have ever seen in my mission. Really, we have A LOT to work with, but I'm so grateful for the Lord that He has given us this! It's going to be awesome!

Well, the last week I forgot to mention about Manuel. He was a reference we got our first week and we went and met him. He talks perfect English! [Note from Amy--Obviously he's forgetting his English--"speaks" perfect English!] It's cool! We have already had like 3 lessons with him and it's so hard! Ha ha, it's hard because I'm forgetting English! Aww its so weird! Ha ha, Elder Alonso told us that he understands Elder Brady's English, but with with mine it's hard to understand everything, ha ha! But who cares! YO AMO ESPAÑOL!! Ha ha, but to get back to Manuel . . .he is super prepared! Really he has a lot of challenges in his life, but he says he just wants to get rid of all the guilt in his life and be a new person. He kept asking us over and over again of what he has to do to be able to have this change in his life. It was a beautiful experience to testify to him that he can change! And that through the repentance process and using the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be forgiven and be born again through the waters of baptism! His light just lit up with joy as he explained to us that he is willing to do it! He's great! Seriously! He came in contact with the missionaries just in time for the Lord to put him in our path, which is the theme of my letter! This past week has been multiple testimonies of that principle for us!

Tuesday was a day of a lot of meetings! We had leadership training with President and the assistants and with all the other zone leaders, (which I found out that almost all the zone leaders are finishing their missions in December and January) ha ha, it was a little weird being there. My buddy, Elder Goates, was there, who is in my group and we were the youngest there. We had a super spiritual uplifting meeting on how we can baptize more and how we can lead our missionaries better! Then in the night we had our branch council meeting and this branch is INCREDIBLE! Seriously I already love them so much! The meeting was focused on The Pilot Plan that we are still trying out and it was incredible to be able to see such awesome leaders magnifying their callings. We started to talk about what families we wanted to focus on as a branch and their was a lot of names that were yelled out, but then the branch president stood up and calmed everyone down and said, "Now this is the Lord's Church and we are going to do in it in HIS way! We are all going to kneel down right now and pray to know what families we need to foucus on and we will fast this weekend and Sunday you'll all come with the list of families." It was such a powerful moment to be able to kneel down as a branch! These leaders are awesome! Sunday the presidents of all the organizations came to the branch president and had their names. And it was incredible to see that since Tuesday these leaders weren't together, but through the power of prayer and fasting they all came out with the same names, without even telling the one or the other presidencies! Really, I know the Lord guides and works through His leaders! They have a grand responsibility! 

Then Wednesday we were just walking in the street while some of our appointments fell through when Elder Brady felt we needed to go contact a tiny street on the more humble side of our sector. It was really a tiny street, but we decided to go. Then while we were there. . . . no one answered . . .we thought it was just a dead end street but as we got towards the end of the street there was a big house around the corner that was hidden. It was a big house! Ha ha, we were able to squeeze around the backside to contact the street and we yelled out to see if anyone was there. But with the same result . . . no one answered up until we started to turn around and there was a man and his daughter walking towards us with their groceries! We went and helped them with their bags and found Rene, the dad. He let us straight in to his house and we were able to teach his whole family! Rene is a boss of a mining company and his wife is in dental surgery. . . so you can say they are pretty well off. But as we got to know Rene he told us, "You guys must have been put in my path." He went on to describe that he has been passing through some troubling times and he might lose a lot of stuff in his life, and as well, his son who is a fighter pilot needs to learn English before he leaves off on a flying program in the U.S. and luckily there we showed up! Two North Americans to help him with English and the three of us to help his family with this gospel! I'm so excited to teach them again!

Then we had Halloween!! Talagante goes all out for Halloween unlike my sector a year ago where it was just a normal day. But, as well, it was Elder Brady's birthday! And can I just say how awesome it is to have an Arizonan companion?! Seriously, it's the best!!! We were able to eat a ton that day because a lot of families invited us over to celebrate and all! It was pretty funny at the end of the day when we were on our way to the house when Elder Brady just told us, "Hey I'm not just gonna pass Halloween without a little trick or treating!" Ha ha, and then went up to a lady in front of her house and yelled out, "Treat or Message?" Ha ha, while he held out his Book of Mormon. Ha ha, she had a surprised face, but sadly she went with treats and gave us all treats instead of listening to our message. HA ha!

Then he were able to find Mary as well! We were contacting one day when we knocked on her door and at first she didn't want anything to do with us. Luckily, we were able to get our foot in the door to be able to testify to her about the blessing of have the restored gospel in her life and for her family. After testifying she let us in :) to which she started to cry to us in the lesson of how lost she feels. She is an older lady, but she is still really sad from the passing of her parents years ago. As she wiped her eyes away she told us, "I feel like I just pass my days from one to the next without any purpose, I know I have been far away from religion in my life, but maybe you guys being here is a sign that the Lord is sending help." Once again, it was another testimony to me that really the Lord guides His missionaries to the people that need us. He prepares the people for us and puts them in front of us to teach. How marvelous is the Lord's plan! I love missionary work! And I love being on the Lord's errand to His lost sheep!

With this same testimony, we were walking early in the morning starting our day on Friday when we stopped at an intersection to where we hear a lady behind us say, "Well there you are! When are you missionaries gonna pass by my house?" We turned around to find Ana, who we were just lost from the way she greeted us, was a less active sister from the branch. We set up an appointment for the next day and when we passed by we found out that she wasn´t a member at all! Ha ha, she told us that she can lived in a lot of different places in her life. But it always seems that wherever she lives, there is always one of our temples close by for her to see. She has always noticed that and recently almost all her family has become extremely sick. She took that as a sign that she needed the Lord's help. She was diagnosed with cancer a while back and really thought she was going to pass away. Up until she had a dream where the Saviour touched her and then hugged her and whispered, "Your time is not up." It was sure a powerful dream for her to which a couple days later waiting at the crosswalk, she found us! How wonderful are the ways of the Lord! I know he wants all of His children to participate in this glorious gospel! 

Then Saturday night which we had that awesome lesson in the morning with Ana, the afternoon was really slow for us. The whole afternoon and night it seemed like we were walking the whole entire day! We were dead tired. Up until 8:45 and we had 15 minutes left before we had to enter the pension and I turned to Elder Alonso and Brady and said, "Lets find a miracle down to the very last minute!" We pumped each other up and I felt we needed to contact some apartment complexes. We started going up each floor up until the very last floor, right before 9 o'clock and Alex opened the door and let us in. He is a young man with three little kids. He is divorced from his wife and the kids come every weekend to see him. He also helped with the construction of one our are chapel buildings which he told us was a beautiful experience to work in such a holy spot. That memory has always stuck in his head and then the missionaries showed up! Ha ha, we were able to give him a small spiritual lesson which really motivated him a lot!

Then we get to Sunday, which was the last testimony builder to me that the Lord REALLY does put people in our path! We went to all the meetings and sacrament meetings like usual until church ended and as we were about to leave we saw a women crying at the front doors. Her name was Liliana who we pulled into another room where she balled her eyes out to us. I felt so bad for this sister, and I felt the desire that we needed to do everything possible to help her. I gave her a blessing to which she was able to calm down and she explained that she has a very aggressive spouse who they had a huge fight the night before and she is really scared of what to do with her life. She went on to tell us that she has had thoughts to end her life to get rid of the misery. But as she left to go buy in the plaza, she passed by the street of the chapel where she told us she never really goes that way, but then saw the church. She told us that something was pulling her to enter as if she was caught like a fish being reeled in on a fishing pole, so she went through with the impressions and found us in the front foyer at the perfect moment for us to help her. Sadly, she isn't in our sector, but at least is in our zone. We testified to her about the redeeming power of the Atonement and how through the grace we are saved after all that we can do. She was overwhelmed with the spirit and was extremely grateful that she was able to enter our church and find us.

It made us all a little emotional to have been able to have found so many people throughout the week that the Lord really put in our way. I know this is His work. I love being an instrument in His hands. I know this gospel is all about families and am so grateful to have such a loving, strong centered family in this gospel. Trust in the Lord that He will guide you to the ones that need your help! Because I know without a doubt in my mind there are people that need each and every one of your gifts and talents and most importantly to have this gospel in their lives. I don't know what I would do without this gospel. I love it I love it I love it!

I hope you all have a great week! Thank you for your examples and for your prayers always! I love you all!

Love Elder Cowan