Dear Mom,
Wow, it seems like you guys have had a pretty packed week! I am glad that you had a great time in California and that you were able to plan everything out! And thank you for forwarding the letter to Br. Patterson I was actually planning on writing him soon and he actually wrote me a short letter too today! It was great to hear from him! Also thanks for sending the Christmas package, I don't know if I told you but this next transfer is only 4 weeks because President wants to cut it short for the elders who are ending their missions and he wants them to end a tad early so they can be with their families for Christmas so there is a small chance that I might have a new companion for Christmas but I doubt it! And thank you for the advice for my investigators I really appreciate it!
Now onto my week really fast! Last Monday we had our transfer meeting which was really exciting! And a first time experience for me! I liked it! They are probably my favorite meetings now! Elder Sharapata is in another part in the mission now and now Elder Niquet has a new companion and it's another Mexican. . .ha ha. His name is Elder Trjo and they both have the same about of time and they both tend to get distracted a tad, but it's not too bad. In the meeting President talked for a long time and just drilled us with obedience; it was awesome! Ha ha I love President! He is really funny at times and always happy, but when it's time to get serious, oh, he gets serious ha ha! He's awesome!
Monday we also found two new investigators! Oscar and his wife Marcela! We have always heard from different missionaries about Oscar ties in our sector and this is the Oscar who sells the ties! He runs his own tie company and sells ties ha ha! The first time we talked with them it was awesome! They had received the missionaries in the past, but they had a billion of questions for us! And it was awesome because every single question could be answered with the Restoration! Ha ha. It was fun to help them find the answers in the Book of Mormon. But we met with them really late in the night so we didn't have a lot of time to teach them a whole lot, but it was still really great and two new investigators!
Tuesday we met with Christina and her family and they are all members, but they basically got baptized and then immediately after they never returned to church so they don't know a whole lot and their testimonies are very small, but it is great to help them strengthen their testimonies. Just as President told us, this mission isn't a high baptizing mission, but a reactivation mission. And it's true! The last baptism in our ward was over a year ago, but just with Elder Contreras and I alone we have helped a lot of the less active come to church again. Which is just as awesome! We taught Christina about Alma 32 about planting the seed and strengthening it. We related it to how we can strengthen our seed by going to church every week! It was a great lesson! Also that day we taught Ulisses, the recent convert, (the baptism from over a year ago in the ward) and he is only 13 and he has changed so much since the first time we started meeting with him. The first couple times he would always fall asleep in our lessons and be tired and not interested just like any normal teen, but now he is so funny and always sharing stories with us and laughing and he loves trying to speak in English with me, ha ha. It's really funny! And afterwards we had completos! mmm :)
Wednesday we decided that we needed to find new investigators and we didn't have many appointments that day so we decided to go contacting for 3 hours. And we only talked to about 10 people. . but I have my hopes for those 10! Ha ha! Missionary work is really changing now, just as the profetas and apostoles say, tracting and knocking doors is not effective now a days. And that's the reason we need the help from the members so much!!! Aww! The members here are awesome and they have a desire, but some times they just like to talk the talk and not walk the walk and actually help us. There is one member who is incredible and I love him so much! His name is Pedrito Gonzalez and is only 16 years old but he wants to be a missionary so bad! He accompanied us for 3 hours on Wednesday, ha ha, it was awesome! With him we went and visited Valerie! Valerie is bakan! She just soaked the restoration lesson all up and accepted it all. She also accepted that when she reads and prays about the Book of Mormon and receives an answer she will get baptized! Woo hoo! But there is an opposition in all things and the problem with her is that she only works on Saturdays and Sundays . . . so it will be really hard to get her to attend church, but we are praying for her. The next day we planned a tour of the chapel with her but she couldn't make it because her brother just got came back from military camp. But it was awesome because another awesome member Oscar (not the investigator) is basically the ward missionary leader, and is the seminary teacher and president of the young mens, ha ha, he is a stud. And he knew that we had a tour with Valerie so he got on Facebook and asked for people to come along with us since we needed another man to be with us since it was just Valerie. But we forgot to tell him that she couldn't make it and that's when we got a call from Pedrito telling us that he is walking to the chapel right now to help us out ha ha! I felt so bad because he lives far from the chapel but its just another example of how much of a stud he is, after being with us for 3 hours the day before we was still wanting to be with us and help us out with the tour the next day, ha ha.
Thursday we had district meetings and our weekly planning session and coordinating council in the night so we didn't have much work done that day. We did receive new missionaries so I'm not the youngest greengo now! Ha ha woo hoo! Also I realized that Thanksgiving is this week and it's on the 28th, I believe, which is my 3 month mark! So remember when you are all eating together that I hit my 3 month mark ha ha! Woo hoo! Thursday we did have one appointment with a less active named Margot she is a tad depressed right now in her life and we are trying to cheer her up. And our other less active Mauricio accepted to come along with us for the lesson! So that was awesome to get Mauricio to participate!
Now onto Friday and Saturday the two days that have probably been the most physically challenging for me! Friday after lunch we were walking and I just had this terrible stomach pain around my appendix. I thought it would go away but it didn't and it hurt to even walk, I pushed through it, though, but I probably looked really funny walking like a hunchback ha ha. But I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my stomach I was wondering if it was just food poisoning or just that I needed to go to the bathroom but I tried going to the bathroom and I couldn't. The pain finally went away Saturday morning but once again after lunch on Saturday the pain came back and this time it was too unbearable for me so unfortunately we had to return to the house and rest. Saturday was really painful and my stomach was killing me. Finally in the night I went to the bathroom and I found a little surprise and the reason for all the pain!! . . . . And guess what it was?! Ha ha a worm!! Ha ha it was pretty nasty, but cool at the same time! I was finally able to poop and get it out! It was only like 3 inches but it was cool! But I forgot to take a picture of it! Awww! But that also explains why I have gained so much weight so fast! It's because I have had someone else eating all my food! Ha ha but don't freak out, Mom! I am all better now! I am back to normal and there is nothing to worry about! Ha ha!
Saturday in the night we also taught Felipe whose family still hasn't changed but we decided to teach Felipe about baptism a little bit more and we extended a baptism date for the 12th of January. We have this date a little far off in the future because we are hoping that with an actual date, it will help the family to accept us or at least accept Felipe to get baptized. We aren't sure, but we are praying for a miracle! He is such a stud! Every time we meet with him he is so happy and he gives me the biggest hugs ever! I want to help him so bad and for he and his family to be baptized! We also taught Oscar again who had a ton of questions and this time they could all be answered through the Plan of Salvation. But we have a problem with him because the last missionary to teach him told him that he needed to read the Book of Mormon completely and then to pray and know the truth. So he is set that he will not pray until he will finish the Book of Mormon, and that will take a lot of time with all his busy schedule. We are going to try to let him know that he can pray about it right now because whether he reads one verse or the whole book it is all the same truth.
Sunday we had a baptism which was for Elder Niquet and it was a very touching baptism. I don't know the investigators, but during the entire baptism service I was thinking about how great it would be to have our investigators to feel this happiness in their lives. And Kylie Kendall kept popping into my head and how much I want her to be baptized! So Kylie if you are reading this! Please look at all my letters and the joy that I have received from this gospel and I just want to help you to receive that happiness too.
Also we had a tiny miracle on Sunday. The very first week we got here we got a reference from the hermanas about a lady named Marta. And the first couple weeks Elder Contreras and I tried to contact her and teach her, but she never answered and when she did she didn't want to listen to us. But finally yesterday we had a lot of our appointments fall through and we were walking a lot when Elder Contreras had the impression to go try her one last time and she answered and was so happy and invited us in! And now she is a new investigator for us! She accepted us this time because her daughter is listening to the hermanas in another sector and she has seen the happiness in her daughter and she wants that too and because her husband recently died. It's just like the scriptures say how we plant the seed and it doesn't always sprouts right away, but eventually in time it will start to flourish. It's the same with Marta who the hermanas planted the seed and eventually gave it over to us and all we needed to do was to wait for it to sprout.
I am so glad that I am a missionary in this time and in these days; they truly are the ultimate days and I love being a missionary! I love you all so much! Good luck with everything!
Elder Cowan