Monday, November 11, 2013

Baptismal Date and More Progress with Investigators

Dear Mom,

Hey, I'm back!! Alright, well first of all before I forget, my friend's name is Colby Nielsen. I'm almost positive that it was him who is serving in Paraguay, but honestly, as you know, I have a ton of friends on missions and they all kinda tend to blur ha ha! And yes, Mom, I will be safe! Ha ha you don't need to worry! But actually it's funny you mentioned that because here in Chile there are a ton of stray dogs everywhere and last night as Elder Contreras and I were returning to our house a dog jumped out of no where and started to come after us. We started to book it and run to our house, but we were too slow so I just turned around and stood in front on the dog to take it on. Thinking I would be in for a little fight, right as the wild dog realized I stopped and was waiting for him, it skidded to a stop and then just sat down like an obedient dog and looked at me and then left. Ha ha my adrenaline was pumping for sure! Ha ha but you don't need to worry, Mom, ha ha ha!

For Christmas mmm. . . not sure maybe some of your homemade oreos, fruit snacks, cosmic brownies. Oh, and if possible, some nutri grain strawberry bars and a few ties or something. I'm not really sure! I am doing well with all my supplies. I have noticed that I like the straight black socks that you got me more than the gold toe. The gold toe tend to get stretch out and slip down to my ankle. I don't know what kind or where we got the straight black socks, though. But that's all I can think of, and maybe some Milkyways ha ha I don't care! :)

Now onto my week! Which started off awesome because of Susana who is a less active we have been trying to work with and we went to go visit her and she was really sick and then asked us for a blessing and she asked me to give it! So with the help of my companion I gave my first blessing in Spanish! It was awesome! I honestly don't know what I said and didn't even know that I could even say some of the stuff I said in Spanish! It was a very strong testimony building of the power of the spirit and the priesthood!

Then Tuesday was a tad difficult because there was divisions again, but this time Elder Contreras was the one that left so I was in charge of our sector for the day! It was awesome! It was awesome to take charge and lead our zone. That's what I really like about Elder Contreras, he doesn't treat me like the junior companion. We have a goal this week to every other day I will lead the sector for a day, for example like today I am in control. It is awesome! My companion is really helping me to be like a senior companion and he keeps telling me that I'm already to be a senior companion, but I don't feel that way ha ha! But the difficult part was that my companion was Elder Niquet, the Mexican who isn't really focused in the work! But if you remember I went on divisions in his divisions a few weeks ago and it was difficult and we hardly did any work. Well, knowing that he would be my companion I decided to pay him back and to show him how the new greengo Elder can put him to work! Ha ha we walked and walked and worked and worked! Ha ha he was complaining almost the whole time but I wasn't going to let that stop me! Ha ha! At the end of the day I really think he realized how to maximize a day as a missionary and he thanked me for the experience. :)

Wednesday we moved to a new house! Next week I will send a picture! It is actually REALLY nice ha ha! I'm surprised that they are letting missionaries live there! But it is a tad difficult because now it's not just Elder Contreras and I living solo but we are sharing the house with Elder Sharapata and Niquet. It has it's ups and downs! I'm just trying to look at all the positive things. The house is two stories and really awesome! I love it! But it took almost all Wednesday after our studies to move all our stuff and all the stuff of the other elders too! Luckily there was a hermana in the ward that was really nice and drove us back and forth! Then afterwards we got to teach Jazmine and Jorge again who are just awesome! I can't say that enough! Jorge is ready to come back to church and change his life around and Jazmine is just soaking up all our lessons and fulfilling all our commitments! We also taught them on Saturday again and it went great! Jazmine has a baptism date for the 30 of December too!! Woo hoo!!! I'm so excited! The only trouble that we have with her is that she has a hard time with prayer. She says she offers prayers by herself after she reads at night but every time we ask her to pray in the lessons she kinda gets a tad offended and doesn't want to. I believe that she just really isn't praying with real intent but once she does and receives an answer it will be great!

We taught Eric again too. . . who is the very strong Evangelical priest. This last time he brought out his Bible and started to ask us a ton of questions. It was a tad difficult because the spirit was not there and it was kinda as if we were in a mini Bible bash the entire lesson, but we were just very humbly trying to teach the lesson but he would interrupt and ask another irrelevant questions. It was pretty cool, though, because for all his questions that he had in the Bible we were able to respond using the Book of Mormon. We haven't gone back for almost a week now. . . we aren't very sure what to do with him

Thursday was another great day! Ulyises who is a recent convert and only is 13 years has not been coming to church and it has been hard to catch his attention in the lessons. But on Thursday we taught him and shared the movie "Finding Faith in Chris" and we found the solution to our problem! Showing movies catches his attention! Ha ha after the movie he was very open with us and willing to share and it was awesome!

Friday we had to clean the church for the tours that we offer every Friday, but none of the elders know how to clean very well. Ha ha. There were some hermanas there and they kept complimenting me on how well I was cleaning and it's all thanks to you, Mom! Ha ha!

And we also found Cecilla while we were walking one day! She was cleaning and when she started to talk with her she was not very open and kept telling us that she only has a relationship with God and with no religion because they are all corrupt. But we kept talking with her and we found out that she believes that kids don't need to be baptized, she believes in the second coming and that the spirit and body will be reunited! Ha ha. We told her that we have the same beliefs and she was puzzled! Ha ha. It was awesome she has all the same beliefs and is super prepared! Ha ha. I love it!

Saturday we taught Jacqueline and Rodrigo which went really well. We watched the Restoracion and Rodrigo was really interested in the church history of the saints. We are so close with him! All he needs to do--along with Jazmine--is to pray to receive an answer! Aww! And then we taught Ana who is the old lady prepared from the last missionaries who is ready for baptism too, but she needs to pray too! So I ask you guys to pray for our investigators to pray to receive an answer! We are all so close with them! We also taught Felipe who is ready but doesn't have any support from his family, which is an obstacle we are trying to overcome with him.

Sunday was great and we had stake conference which one of the seventy came, Ulisses Soares from Brazil came and talked about persevering to the end. It was a great talk! And tomorrow we get to listen to Elder HOLLAND!!!! Holy cow!!! I am so excited!!!!!!

Well, I don't have any more time! Please pray for our investigators to receive an answer to their prayers and Mom I am so proud of your desire to work in family history! You are awesome! I love you so much!!! Choa!!

Elder Cowan

P.S. Yesterday we were at a members house and we weighed ourselves. . . . and I'm 167 pounds! I started with 146! Only in this short time that I have been on my mission I have gained 20 pounds!!!! Holy cow! I was kinda having a panic attack yesterday! Ha ha! But I am dedicated to work off all this FAT!! Ha ha! Anyway, I need to go. Love you!

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