Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Halloween

Dear Family and Friends!

Woo hoo! Wow! I just love being a missionary! We just got back from a zone activity that a sister and I pulled off today in honor of my companion, Elder Brady's birthday! We reserved a pizza place and had the whole zone meet up and we all ate pizza and had cake! Ha ha! It was awesome! I love this zone! And the best part was that Elder Brady didn't even know! It was all a surprise! Woo hoo! It was really fun! 

Wow! Well, we worked our butts off this week that I really don't know where to start. . . Really the Lord is Hastening His work more and more and by week by week. Now we are approaching 40 lessons for the week which we've never done before. I know the numbers don't count, but being able to help sooo many people is such an awesome feeling. From about Friday till Sunday we were all just dead. Aww, I don't think I have ever felt so wiped out before in my life! As well, summer is kicking in so the sun is coming in strong! Especially this last week we had a heat wave and seriously it was miserable! Ha ha and that's coming from two Arizonan missionaries here! Ha ha! It was so warm! But don't worry, Mom! I'm being super smart this summer and I am putting on sunscreen everyday! With all the sun that we have been in I'm still not burnt! Woo hoo! Unlike last summer where I was red for like 5 months straight! Ha ha! 

But now back to the letter! Tuesday we were able to go get Elder Alonso. He didn't know he had changes so he had to go back to the coast where he was before and pack and say goodbyes super fast and then he arrived here Tuesday. He is from Oaxaca Mexico and super funny! We have a stacked companionship! It's awesome being in a trio! Seriously! Especially with missionaries that all have a lot of experience!

Really I feel bad because we don't have a lot of time! But really we are going to achieve a lot this transfer! We were doing our weekly planning and talking about what we wanted to do this transfer as a companionship and all. We talked about how Elder Alonso and Elder Brady are both finishing their missions in a month and this is the time to give it all. I told them this is the time to make LEGENDS! So we pondered a lot about our goals and all and we have put the goal of 15 baptisms as a companionship! WOOO HOO! Call us crazy, but I know we can do it! We are going to give it our all! If we can focus on families I know we will be able to find 5 or 6 families to baptize! I'm super pumped! Even though I know I'm not finishing my mission, I'm really trying to give it my all to have them finish with a BANG! To finish giving it their all and with miracles! It's going to be epic! We are fasting and praying a lot and any other help from you guys would be greatly appreciated!

This week we were able to have a lot of lessons and we found 7 new investigators. Just as my theory about the pyramid of success I know that we are at the bottom level and we have a lot to overcome and achieve to get to the top! But we still have time! I know it! We have one family that Elder Brady has been teaching in his time here called the Moyano family. It's the parents and their 15 year old daughter and they are incredible! The first lesson we had with them we only read Alma 32 and taught about faith, but it was such a powerful lesson!

Really, I love being a zone leader. I know this is an opportunity to be able to show by love and example to others. The missionaries here are great! Talagante is a branch which I figured out! But it has an average attendance of 130! Which I've never have attended a ward or branch with so much! But really the members are incredible! The branch president is awesome and rock solid! Really, it's great to realize that I am in a functioning ward WE have awesome leaders and they are supportive in the work! It's awesome! I can't wait to keep working with them! Every Thursday the priesthood gets together and goes out and does visits! Ha ha, I've never seen that in my whole time in the mission! Ha ha!

But really I don't have any more time left! Sorry! I know I didn't really talk a whole lot about the stories and about our investigators but for right now in our huge sector we are in search for a lot of new investigators! Wish us the best! I love this work so much! I just had the chance to finish the Book of Mormon today in my studies and that book has SO much power! It's incredible and is so true! I love it with all my heart! Just as I love you! 

Hope you will all have a great week!

Elder Cowan

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