Tuesday, March 31, 2015

His Grace is Sufficient! Miracles of Baptisms!!

Dear Family and Friends!

WOOO HOOO! Wow, well first off I'm so excited right now!!! And second of all sorry for not writing yesterday! Elder Wagner had to go do some go homer stuff and that cut our p-day a little off. But here we are writing you guys again! Woow! There was SOOO much stuff that happened this past week! Seriously, it was probably one of the most jammed packed weeks I have had in my whole mission. But seriously has been one of the most beautiful experiences as well! 

Well, to start off with the week we had. We had been working like crazy this month of March to be able to get to new limits as a mission. We were shooting for 100 baptisms again and we were sure we were gonna do it this time! But as the month rolled along there was a lot of opposition and adversity. When we started last week our zone had baptized 3 people already, which was pretty low. We were worried that our zone wouldn't be able to pull off with our part to help the mission. As we started Monday, we saw that we only had about 2 or 3 names of people in the zone that were probably going to get baptized. We realized that it had to start with us with the example and then to use our example to spread it throughout the zone. So there was a lot of pressure on us on Monday. We knew that if there were going to be baptisms in our zone then we would be doing interviews almost every night. And that meant we were only going to be in our sector in the night on Monday. 

So we decided to go to Jean Paul. We brought the 2nd counselor of the bishopric with us and we read 3 Nephi 11. I was so nervous the whole lesson because that lesson meant make it or break it for us to see if he was going to get baptized. We finished reading and focused a lot of the role of the Holy Ghost. We studied with him of how the spirit was preparing these people for the coming of the savior. We did a lot of questions to Jean Paul which he was responding fine up until Hno. Labra just went ham and just told him, "Jean Paul, you have faith but do you know what you are doing right now? Your hiding it! Show your faith Jean Paul, try the Lord. Dare to test Him! And get baptized this week!" Ha ha, it was incredible! My comp and I were both in a glaze at the Hermano who was just testifying his soul out! Finally it was silent, and then Jean Paul turned to us, and told us, "I tested the Lord. . . I'll get baptized!" WOOOOOOOOO it was so powerful! All thanks to that member that we brought! So all you members reading this! You too have the power to testify! Don't be afraid! Thanks to this one brother in our ward Jean Paul accepted to get baptized! Really it all comes down to ones faith and the confidence one has in our Savior Jesus Christ! That lesson was incredible!!

So from that moment we used the example of Jean Paul and challenged the whole zone that people can still accept to get baptized and that it's not too late for them to get baptized this weekend! We did a lot of calls, actually we ran out of all of our minutes and then on Wednesday we testified of the power of the faith that we can have to show our investigators that they are ready for baptism. And truly it was amazing. One by one the missionaries started to pull out names of investigators that they were going to challenge to get baptized. I forgot to tell that a week ago President personally called us and told us that he wanted our zone to baptize 10 people this weekend. At the end of the meeting with the zone we pulled out 10 names of people that could get baptized. And then from Wednesday till Sunday were just filled with miracles!!!

First off, Wednesday night I had to go to the sector in Avenida Matta where I had to do an interview of an investigator of Elder Kimball, his name is Pierro. He is only 10 years old. He is a really stubborn kid and is a little rude. His mom just got baptized a few months ago and now they wanted him to get baptized. The whole interview Pierro didn't say a word. I had his dad present in the interview and it wasn't going anywhere. But truly I love how the Spirit works through us through personal revelation. When I was on the subway going to that sector there was a man with a plate selling little cake candies. I had no idea why, but I felt I needed to buy the candies from the man. At first, I thought it was an impression to do it to help the old man, so I bought some of his cakes and got on the train. 

Not until I was in the middle of the interview that I remembered I had these cakes in my backpack. I told Pierro's dad that if he didn't want to cooperate he wouldn't be able to get baptized. I then turned to the little kid, looked him in the eye, and told him, "Hey I'm not here to waste my time, if you cooperate with me I have some cakes to give you, but only if you help us in this interview." He just stared at me and told me with a cocky attitude, "I bet I don't even like the cakes you have." So I pulled them out and right when he saw them he jumped up and started screaming, "Those are my favorite! How did you know?!!" From that moment we were able to break the ice and he was able to have the interview which he passed and then I gave him the cakes. Truly, it was not just an impression I had to buy those cakes to help that old man, but it was because the Spirit was telling me that I would be needing them in the future! I'm so glad I followed through and bought those cakes!

At the same time I was doing that interview, Elder Kimball was in the room next to me doing an interview of a married couple. He was dragging the first interview for a really long time so I decided to do the interview of the wife. I pulled her in and interviewed her and she answered everything perfectly. But then at the very end when I asked her if she was ready to get baptized, she frowned and firmly told me, "No!" I was shocked! She had passed the interview with flying colors, the Spirit was there and I knew she was ready. I had her pray to ask if she should get baptized and afterwards she still denied it. I honestly didn't know what to do. For the sake of time, we had to end the interview to which I ran into Elder Kimball who told me that her husband had passed his interview and was going to get baptized. Then I thought to myself "Oh great! What am I supposed to do now with his wife?!" Elder Kimball started to panic, but I calmed him down and I pulled Jose and Edith, the couple in the room. I frankly told them that Jose was going to get baptized but that Edith wasn't. Jose looked at his wife wtih a surprised look and it got really serious. The rest of the elders came in and tried convincing her to get baptized while I left and was pondering in the hallway what to do. We had gotten permission to stay out later that night and I was tired. I finally went back into the room--to a room full of contention and everyone talking over each other. I kinda yelled at the elders to leave the room and the 3 of them left to where I was alone with Jose and Edith again. I told them that we respect marriage. We respect that a husband and wife are one. I pulled out a picture of the temple and told them that this was the reason we wanted them both to get baptized. I told them that they could have an eternal family but first they would both have to get baptized. I testified over and over again to Edith about the temple to which finally I told them, "Look you guys are a married couple, you should talk this over as a whole, as a couple. I will be waiting outside for you to tell me if the two of you are going to get baptized or the two of your aren't going to get baptized."

Then I left, I ran to another room and starting praying and praying. We all waited in the hallways for a few minutes, then 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, and finally just when it was too suspenseful for us, they opened the door, pulled me in and said, "Elder. . . .we want an eternal family. . . . we accept to getting baptized this Saturday." Truly, I lost it, I just started crying, they went on to tell me that they had been investigating the church for more than 5 years and up until I started testifying about how their family can be eternal they had never accepted baptism. Trul, it was amazing! It was so powerful!!

After I hadn't planned on staying so late there in the church so I had to go to the other elders pension and sleep on the ground. Then woke up early the next day, studied and ran back to the stake center in our sector to help another district leader do an interview in the morning. She passed as well in the final. From there I ate lunch in my sector and then went on divisions to Carlos Valdovino where I had to do 4 more interviews. Thursday as a zone we had planned 6 interviews in total. By the time of traveling and with a rough night, when I got to Carlos Valdovino, the other sector, I was wiped. But I went to the church building where I did the interview for William. An investigator tan bueno! I enjoyed that interview a lot. Then the next was Francisco who I couldn't finish because he needed to have the interview with President, but luckily my comp called us and told us that President just arrived in our church building so I shipped him off over there and he was able to run into President and President did his interview and he passed. And then I had to do the interview for Diego and Vicente. They called the elder I was with, Elder Hunter and said that he was in a business meeting and that he wouldn't be able to get to the church till about 10 at night. I called the assistants and they gave me permission to stay out late again to be able to get those interviews done. So finally at about 10 at night Diego and Vicente came and I did the two interviews and they both passed. But at the very end of the interview of Diegos it was going on till 11 at night and I was tired, who know that interviews suck the energy out of you! Now I know how you feel, Dad! Aha way to go!

But as I was finishing talking with Diego, and as I heard the results of how the rest of the interviews went, Elder Hunter told me all but one passed. I told Diego the experience of this week and how we have been able to see the Lord's hand over our zone. It was amazing. That's when I shared with him Moroni 10:31-34. Truly, the grace of the Savior was being poured upon us. We were being blessed soo much! It was amazing! I started to tear up at the end of the interview knowing that I had done everything possible and did my part and I know the Lord was doing His. That night we got back to the pension really late again and was able to have a little better night than the night before.

Then Saturday came around and we had to plan 3 different baptismal services with all the 9 people that were going to get baptized. With their jobs and everything we had to plan one at 11 in the morning, at 4 in the afternoon, and then another one at 8 at night. So we were in the church all day long filling up and cleaning the baptismal font before and after each baptismal service. I had a terrible headache as well, I just wanted to sleep and I felt so tired. But I knew I had to finish till the end. Finally at the 8 o'clock baptismal service, which started late because Jean Paul fell asleep ha ha, but it all worked out and I had to give the talk at the service. Right as I started to give my small talk, I looked at Jean Paul and my companion who were in white and my headache automatically went away! I was so grateful because then I was able to enjoy the service even more. I was blessed to be the testigo for Jean Paul's baptism as he went down and came back out of the water, a new person. It was such a powerful moment for me!

From that moment, we were able to pull off 9 baptisms that one day with a total of 12 baptisms for the month--something that hasn't been done before. It was a miracle. The mission didn't get 100 baptisms, but I knew that we had done our part and for that the Lord blessed us so much. His Grace truly is sufficient, as long as we do all that we can in our part first. Those 9 baptisms that we were able to pull off weren’t thanks to our district leaders or because of my companion or me. It was the Lord. He shed his Grace from His Atonement upon those investigators and truly gave us the miracles. There was so much. I have never felt so consecrated before. Yes, it was a stressful week. Yes, I lost hours of sleep and was dead tired, but being able to rest my head on my own pillow, Sunday night, truly, I knew I had done everything possible for my zone. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior! I know He loves us! I know He blesses us when we do all on our part. I am so grateful for the miracles we saw this week. His grace is sufficient always.

Love you all!

Elder Cowan

Monday, March 23, 2015

Casi un Bautismo

Dear Family and Friends!

Wow! I just love you guys soo much! Seriously! It surprises me how fast the time is always flying by, but I just love you guys soo much! Way to go to Dad for having a great stake conference and Mom taking out the trash with your to do list! Ha ha! I love you guys so much!

Well, to first break the news right off the bat! Jean Paul didn't get baptized yet. We are on a little titter totter saw with him right now! I will explain everything though! 

But first of all, we were able to start off the week with a hit with doing splits with one of our district leaders! And this week we did it with ELDER KIMBALL! MI HIJO!! Woo hoo! AWWW it was amazing to be back with Elder Kimball in my sector and just takin' out the trash! It was so fun! Seriously! I love that man soo much!! We had such an awesome day and in the night Elder Kimball opened up to me of the stress that he has been having and it was awesome to give him some "father to son" advice and truly that was awesome splits! 

And an awesome thing that happened at the beginning of the week was the first lesson we had with Jean Paul he just asked us, "This gospel is so good. . . why isn't everyone a member? Can I invite others to listen to you guys?" Ha, ha, ha! YES! Of course, we responded and then the next day we left with him and we went to his friends house where he presented us to her. Her name is Lyryel! And she is awesome! Truly it was amazing to see the spirit of missionary work, work through Jean Paul. So we are super pumped about Lyryel and to see where she gets to!

Then I had divisions or splits and that time I left and went to Carlos Valdovino. That was the night Jean Paul was going to have his baptismal interview. He told my comp that he had dropped smoking to only 1 cigarette now! And he only started to try to stop smoking Sunday! That was Thursday when he said that! It was amazing to hear about his progress! But before the interview my comp and Elder Fernandez had a lesson with him where he explained that he doesn't feel ready for baptism. He wants to be more sure that he will be able to control his smoking problem and he wanted to tell his mom first. Igual, he still had the interview with the DL just as a practice, and he practically passed. 

We always have a hard time teaching him on the weekends because that's when he studies and works a lot, but he came to church again and then we had a lesson where we met his mom who just was visiting him that day. She was fine with everything but as we started to explain about baptism again he told us that he wasn't sure about tithing. But its not like a typical doubt that normal investigators have about tithing. He really wants to pay his tithing, he has already looked at his income to see in what way he can pay. But he just wants to "try it out" first before he gets baptized. It was kinda of a dumb excuse and we think there might be something else as well we told him that the church wouldn't even accept his ofrendas because he isn't even a member yet. It was a hard lesson to keep control of everything. But he still believes everything, he has told us that he wants to get baptized, but just not so fast. Really he is sooo good! And we know he is ready! Tonight we are going to have a family home evening with the 2nd counselor of the bishopric to see if we can get him baptized this Saturday! I know it's possible!

So please keep Jean Paul in your prayers for this week! This is the last week of March and we have a lot of people in our zone that can be baptized but just need the last little "push" to be able to commit to baptism. The assistants and even President have called us a few times just to make sure we are gonna get these baptisms through for this month. So there's a lot of pressure, but really I know these people are ready! I know our Heavenly Father loves these kids of His who He has trusted us to teach and bring them back to Him. Yes, it will take miracles, but who are we to put the limits upon God? We had a new investigator called Ferney who is amaizng as well! He accepted a baptism date right away and that was his response as well. He has a lot of faith and we are pumped to keep teaching him! 

Truly, the Lord is blessing us so much! I know it gonna have to take a little bit more for him to bless us with these miracles! I can't wait for this week!! Woo hoo!!


Love Elder Cowan

Sweet Letter sent to Dad

Thanks for updating me about the news of Grandpa. Really when you read my letter this week we were able to finish the lessons off with our super amazing investigator Jean Paul by teaching last, the Plan of Salvation. This was Sunday afternoon about 4 and yes the spirit was strong in the lesson but there was a moment where it was as if the spirit just poured into my soul, and it was just when my companion was teaching and testifying of the spirit world. My whole entire mission I usually explain the purpose of the spirit world in really basic terms, but when the spirit just basically hit me so strong I knew there was a reason. . . I have been wondering and pondering why that moment of the lesson was the most powerful, and truly reading your letter and receiving the news, I know the spirit was already testifying to me and preparing me for this news. Que bonito! 

I'm so grateful for your example of Seize the Day. I'm grateful that you were able to tell me how you were doing. Did they give a exact amount of how many months or is it unpredictable? I truly am grateful as well as our whole family is for the spirit world. If I get to see him after my mission, it'll be a great blessing, but at the same time it's such an even more amazing and beautiful feeling knowing that if not, he'll be going to work in the spirit world and that the two of us will be able to work together at the same time, Grandpa and grandson! I love our Heavenly Father's plan! Everything is going to be fine! I will for sure to keep the whole family in my prayers!

Love your son,
Elder Cowan

Monday, March 16, 2015

Jean Paul Blessing

Dear Family and Friends!

Wow! Well, I can't believe I'm going to have a little niece!! Woo hoo felicitaciones a Trevor y Kiersten! I'm so happy for you! And I just love each and every one of you so much! I know that I may not write a whole lot to each and everyone of you but truly I have the best family EVER!!

Well, the time is running out and there is a lot to write! Well, first off! There were a ton of things that happened this past week! Just like in the mission of Bryce's that I just read, we had a mission training meeting here we learned a ton and as well we were able to watch "Meet the Mormons!" Ha ha, I loved it! Ha ha, but it was kinda weird watching a movie again! HA ha! Woo hoo to the Church in getting that movie out!! And I was able to see Stacie's brother!! Woo hoo!! Elder PETERSON ES UN KAPO! Ha ha, truly I was shocked at how well he talked! I thought because he was new that he would just want to talk in English with me so that's how I started off talking with him! But oh no! He was set on speaking Spanish and spoke it the whole time! It was amazing! What a blessing! He is great! I love the guy!

As well! We were able to have 4 baptisms in our zone this week! All from one companionship! It was a sister of a member and a family of 3 that are from Japan! It was incredible! Ha ha, I was thinking of Elder Free the whole time during the interview! Aww, I just love doing interviews!!!

And another blessing that happened this week was with Regina! Woo she wasn't joking when she told us that she wanted to start all over again! She came to church and just loved it! She said she always wants to come! Truly, it brings joy to me seeing souls of our Heavenly Father repenting and coming unto Him! Whether it be through converts, less actives coming back to church or baptizing people! It is amazing to brings these brothers and sisters to the fold of Christ! 

Well, other than that, as well, we have been seeing a little opposition in the things that have been passing through the zone. Almost every single missionary got sick at one point in this past week and I was the one to finish it with only getting about 3 hours of sleep last night because I was in the bathroom all night long. I have no idea what happened to me, but the whole time I was going number 2 hardcore. But I woke up and this morning I had to do my visa again which I was able to do it pretty fast but struggling trying to control my bowel moments and now I'm feelings fine! But igual, throughout the zone we have been seeing a lot of things like that.

Wednesday, Elder Wagner went to the temple with his go homer group and with President so I was left in charge of the district and leadership meetings that morning. I met with our district leaders and felt impressed to read the story of Jose Smith. I told them of the opposition that he had before AND after and how either way: there's always opposition before the greater blessings. I invited a tener el VALOR and to stand up and fight against it! We knew that our mission has a lot of potencial this month and we know that Satan knows that as well. It was a great meeting! We all left the meeting pumped and ready to fight against the adversary! Thanks to that those 4 baptisms were able to come to pass!

Saturday I had the blessing to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead with a elder in our zone and with his convert because his companion was sick. And when I got there I saw Elder Smith and Elder Goates! And they brought Francisca, Loreto y Rodolfo to do baptisms! But sadly they had finished right before and they all left except Elder Smith and Elder Goates. It was a little bummer that I couldn't be there with them to do baptisms but still just seeing the pictures and knowing that my converts went to the temple is the best! I love the temple!!

Now onto the miracle of Jean Paul! Well, this past Monday we showed up at his house and he told us that he had read all of Mormon.org about the topic of our beliefs. He then went on to tell us of what he understood of each commandment. He told us that he had a problem with smoking and that we would have to help him out. But other than that he told us that he was down with keeping all the commandments. I love Jean Paul! He just accepts it how it is! That's what I love about him! He then went on to tell us the reason why he likes this church so much. He looked at us and said, "Your church practices true faith. Really I could believe all of what your saying and it would sound neat and all but it all comes down to if I accept it and trust in the feelings I have if it's true. That's what I like." Ha ha! Truly, I have never seen so much faith in one investigator! He then went on to tell us that he has already looked at his finances and his taxes and he knows perfectly how he is going to be able to pay his tithing! Ha ha, I was so shocked! 

Then we had a lesson Wednesday night with him which wasn't as great as the other lessons. We were teaching soo much and soo fast that he started to get confused on everything. We left not feeling so confident in that lesson. Then he had work for the rest of the week and we were a little worried to not be able to see him for some time. But he showed up to church decked out in a nice new suit! HA ha! He loved church again and then we were able to teach him Lesson 2 after the meetings and pull everything together. I was able to give him a priesthood blessing that way he won't have the tentaciton to smoke and truly it was a powerful lesson! His baptism date is for this next Sunday and it still looks like everything's going good for that date! It just depends if he can stop smoking! But I know he can do it!

Truly, the lord has been blessing us with Jean Paul soo much! I love how the Spirit testifies to each and every one of us! I love this work and I love this gospel! Just as we taught last to Jean Paul, I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father lives and has a plan for our families! I know everything will be fine and that His Son Jesus Christ gave His life out of love for us to be able to live together forever!

Love you all sooo much!!!!

Elder Cowan 

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Harvest

Dear Family and Friends!

Well, with the help of the Lord this past week we have been able to find a lot of tender mercies! Wow! I still can't believe it! I have such an amazing family! Thank you guys soo much! For the numberless times you always pray in my behalf and for the behalf of the work here in Republica! I feel your love and concern on my behalf throughout the week! It's amazing to be so united with you guys in prayer!! You guys are the best and I love you all soo much!!!!! Prayers are amazing!! 

Well, to first give a shout out to Trevor and Kiersten for my opinion of what I think the baby is going to be is. . . . . for it to be a girl! :) But either one will be amazing! I'm so happy for you two!!!

Wow, well at the beginning of this past week my comp and I both decided that we were gonna change things up a little and have a "white wash" attitude towards our sector. So we started from the basics and started contacting a lot! And thanks to the help of the Lord we were able to find a lot of new investigators this week! We were able to find 16 new investigators!!! Wooo! What a miracle!!! Just the comparison from last week where we had no one to teach and the Lord was so merciful upon us to find these new families to teach! I won't be able to write about them all and, as well, even though we found the a lot, there are some that may not progress, but we'll see! 

First off, the first new investigator that we found was Reginas family. Regina is actually a member but hasn't gone to church for a couple years, but she contacted Elder Kimball in the street! And then Elder Kimball passed us the reference and we were able to meet her husband, Jose, and their daughter, Laura. Regina has all the desires to come back to church and their family is sooo nice! They live in the corner of our sector and it was amazing to be able to find them! They are an awesome family! Laura actually wasn't there the first lesson we had with them so Regina was kinda worried that her daughter wouldn't want to talk to us because she is only 15 years old and is just passing through her teenager "whatever" attitude. But we passed by again and luckily Laura was there and we got off on a really good note! I honestly don't remember what we started talking about, but she opened up to us and we were able to teach the whole family! We'll see how this week goes for them!

Then the next miracle was Miguel and Jordana! They were contacts that the last companion of Elder Wagner did a little over 3 months ago in a park. But they stopped us in the street, told us that missionaries had contacted them before, but then nothing happened. They told us that they were a little down that no one came and then asked us if we could pass by and visit them. I almost just yelled out "YES!" with all the excitement! Ha ha, and another blessing is that they are married and they have two little twin babies that are only 1 year old! And these two babies are models! Seriously! They are the most adorable babies ever! Ha ha! It's just a picture perfect family! They are amazing!!

As well, we were able to find a new investigator through a less active/recent convert family. We looked at the members list and realized that there was still one person left in the family that hasn't been baptized yet. We passed by and met the Suazo family. Two are less actives, and there is another that lives there that is part of our retention. Nino is the only one left that isn't baptized. We taught lesson 1 and put a baptism date! And he accepted! He is really humble and really kind! The only problem right now is his work. Because he works almost everyday. So we are praying that he will be able to find a way to attend church!

Then President had a genius idea this week to do "harvest" within our zones! And we just took out the trash! Basically, the idea of a "harvest" is that all the missionaries meet up in one zone and just contact everyone in that one place and gather all the new investigators that they possibly can find. We started that this past week and there was so much excitement between the missionaries and so many blessings and miracles! Each day was a different sector and we were able to contact from 3 till 6 in the afternoon. And in those 3 hours we were able to "harvest" out a ton of new investigators for every sector. It was a amazing! Elder Wagner and I were in one sector of one of our district leaders and we were contacting the whole afternoon and my companion called me and told me that they weren't having a lot of success. I was with our district leader and turned to him and told him that we'll need to step it up. So we just went ham on contacts and were able to find 6 new investigators, planned 10 more appointments for the next week and were able to put one baptism date! It was incredible!

Then the next day was our turn to have the "harvest" come to pass in our sector. Once again we divided up and started to contact throughout the whole sector. And truly, it was amazing! I was with Elder Hunter, a new missionary, and I just loved his greenie power! Ha ha, he was so excited and we just contacted every building we possibly could! And if we couldn't knock on the door we went to all the windows instead to knock! Ha ha, truly the Lord was pouring out his blessings upon us to help us find 7 new investigators in that three hour span. QUE MILAGRO!! 

Then it gets even better! It was such a blessing Friday night. We had scheduled an appointment at the church with an investigator that Elder Wagner had been teaching for some time, but sadly he didn't show up. The appointment was set for 8:30 so we were planning on ending the day with that lesson. We waited a little bit more to see if anyone would show up and then at about 8:50 we started walking out of the church gates to go home for the day. That's when we saw our ward mission leader and we were talking for a little bit when I saw a man walk by us, we both made eye contact and you could see that he was interested in our conversation, but I thought nothing of it and looked away and kept on with the conversation. 

Then like a minute later the same man walked back, stared at us and asked, "Where can I make some friends?" . . . . . I looked at the man, at my companion, then our ward mission leader, and then back to the man and was just speechless. I turned to the man and told him, "HERE!! Come on in, you'll make the bestest friends ever here!" HA ha! He then entered the church and we gave him a tour of the place and presented some more members. His name is Jean Paul and he is about 27 years old and is studying and working here in Republica. He is a really calm person and a man of little words but is super nice! After the quick tour of the church we wrote down his address and then invited him to come to our free English classes that we were going to give the next day.

And he came the next day!!! He showed up to the church again and liked the English classes and then the Elders Quorum just so happened to have an activity that day where they were making pizzas! So we jumped over to the other side of the building and had a great time together! Really, during the whole time Jean Paul was pretty quiet and I could tell he was just observing everything with a small smile on his face. The next day, Sunday, he came back to church and attended sacrament meeting with us! Truly, he is a miracle! After the meeting he kept asking us how the church is organized because he was so surprised how well the church was run and how many happy families were there! We told him that we would have to explain a lot and that we would love to have an appointment in his apartment. He turned to me and said "4 o'clock! Today! come on over!" Ha ha, he is sooo prepared!!!!

When we went over to his apartment we taught lesson one which helped him understand a lot about the organization of the Church. He loved the lesson. He had a little note pad and was taking notes through the whole thing. He has a ton of questions too! And they are super good questions! In that one hour we ended up teaching just about everything! Ha ha, all thanks to his questions! But after finishing up teaching the commandments he said he is down to keep them and then we wrapped it all back to the Book of Mormon. I took my Book of Mormon in my hand, looked at him and said, "None of this matters unless you read this tonight and pray specifically if it's true!!" We were in a locked gaze for a while and the spirit was soo strong. He nodded in agreement to which I responded by inviting him to get baptized for the 22nd of this month. He understood the importance of getting baptized, but was a little taken back at how quick the date is. But without us saying anything he told us, "The 22nd seems pretty fast and I don't know if I'm prepared, but God is a God of miracles and why can't he do one with me! Yes, Elders I'll pray to know if I should get baptized the 22nd!" :0 !!!!!!!!!!!! I was taken back at his response! It was incredible! He is just soo amazing! And just soooo prepared!! He is truly de ORO! We are going to go by again tonight to keep teaching him! I'm soo excited! Please keep Jean Paul in your prayers! He is such a miracle and tender mercy for us! 

This past week has been incredible! Truly, the Lord has blessed us with soo much that I can't even understand why. But I do know He loves us. I love being His missionary and I love this work soo much! 

Love Elder Cowan

Monday, March 2, 2015

Come What May and Love It

Dear Family and Friends!

Wow, well a lot of things have happened since I have been transferred to here in Republica! my companion is great! Elder Wagner is a great guy! He is so humble and nice! Truly, it amazes me! He is ending his mission this transfer, but he still has his head turned on straight! And we are pumped for the month of March!! Woo hoo! 

But to describe my sector a little bit . . . it's not like any other sector I have had before in my mission! We are right by the limits of the Santiago East and North missions, so we are in the heart of Santiago which consists of a ton of buildings! ALL OVER! Ha ha! Our sector is just super tall buildings, apartments, businesses, and universities. There are a TON of people in our sector! But the thing is that they are all on "the go" and they just go, go, go. Ha Ha, it's a little hard to contact in the street because they are all running to work or school or something. And if you can talk to someone in the street there's like a 10% chance that they actually live there because a lot of people come to our sector just to work or study.

As well, we have a lot of apartments, buildings with 20, 30 floors! But we can't enter the buildings unless we have a name of a person. And once we have the name of the person we have to go to the doorman and he will call their apartment to see if they are going to let us in. So it's pretty hard to get into houses in this sector! But no me importa!! Ha ha, There is a will, so there is a way!! HA ha! 

As well, there are a ton of foreigners in this sector! Santiago is full of them! I have talked to a lot of people from: China, Haiti, Columbia, Ecuador, USA, Dominican Republic, Japan, Peru, Argentina, and Mexico! There are a ton of foreigners! It's awesome! They are usually better to get into their houses because between all the super tall buildings there are tiny little passages where there are like 20 houses all back to back to each other. So we kinda got a little of everything!

Thursday we had Consejo de Guerra again which was 7 hours long! But it was amazing!! President is such an inspired man! It was just 7 straight hours of doctrine and revelation! Our mission hasn't been achieving as much as we should be and part of that is because January and February is vacations and it's summer time and there are a lot of people away. But now it's MARCH!! It's the next inning now and it's game time!!! We have planned to baptize 120 people this month and reach 7000 attendance in our mission! Both have never been done for a really long time! But we know it's the time! And that means we have to give it our all!! I'm so pumped!!! You can just feel the excitement in the air in our mission! 

We had a zone conference Saturday to be able to share the same vision and goal with all the other missionaries! While there I got to meet my grandson, Elder Rutty, form Peru! It's awesome having Elder Kimball in our zone! We are a little bit smaller as a zone, but the missionaries are awesome!!!

Then we got to the tender mercies that we started to see at the end of the week. To be honest, the week was pretty slow, there aren't many investigators and a ton of people our still out on vacations. We were basically walking all over the place. It was pretty hard just not having anything. But it's all fine now! We decided that we are just gonna think that we are in white wash and we are going to resurrect this zone! My comp and I have talked a lot this week and even though by numbers wise it was probably the worst week we have had in our missions we know we have to be better! We have a lot of ideas to work with now and we are pumped to be able to have this sector rise again!

The secret: The Atonement. We are focusing a lot on the Atonement this transfer and just how Lehi, Enos, and Alma experimented with the Atonement in their lives they had a stronger desire to share it with others. And for this it has been amazing studying the Atonement for this past week. Even though the sector is dead, basically, just as the title says, Come What May and Love it! And that love comes from our Savior and from His loving sacrifice of His Atonement! 

When we started focusing on that, that was when we were able to start to enter a few more houses. We had a miracle Saturday with Ilde! We contacted him in the street as he was changing his tire and told us to come back again because he asked us, "If God loves us, why is there suffering and so many bad things in this life?" As we gave our testimonies to that question it sparked his desire and we passed again Saturday. And man, is he prepared?! As we started teaching Lesson 1 about the Restoration at the very beginning, he also asked us, "If Christ is the Savior of the World, why did He only visit the people in Jerusalem and not in other parts?" And he had like 5 or 6 more questions like that! It was amazing! All of his questions were directed perfectly to the Restoration!

Ilde loved the part of Pedro, Santiago, y Juan coming to give the priesthood to Joseph Smith. He told us "Oh well, there you go! That makes perfect sense! Cause they were the last ones to have it!" Ha ha, he is amazing! It was a huge answer to our prayers and fast that we did this past weekend. We almost put a baptism date with him, but he wants to take things serious and really wants to dig through the scriptures in the Book of Mormon for his answer! He is awesome! It was such a tender mercy to find him!

I'm grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. I know the only things He asks of us is to be humble and to have a broken and contrite spirit. I know He loves us soo much! And thanks to that love, He promises soo many blessings for us! But only if we are humble and if we have a contrite spirit. I know that this truly is the work of salvation. And thanks to the Atonement of Jesus Christ He broke the bands of death and atoned for our sins that made it possible for us to receive this salvation. And since He did it, we have to work as He wants. I know that if we put our pride and other desires on the table and turn them over to the Lord, we can become instruments in His hands! How wonderful that it is! I love my Savior. I love every day He gives me to be his representative and for the chance to know him more personally day after day. This is the best experience ever!

Love you all!

Elder Cowan