Dear Family and Friends!
Wow! I just love you guys soo much! Seriously! It surprises me
how fast the time is always flying by, but I just love you guys soo much! Way
to go to Dad for having a great stake conference and Mom taking out the trash
with your to do list! Ha ha! I love you guys so much!
Well, to first break the news right off the bat! Jean Paul
didn't get baptized yet. We are on a little titter totter saw with him right
now! I will explain everything though!
But first of all, we were able to start off the week with a hit
with doing splits with one of our district leaders! And this week we did it
with ELDER KIMBALL! MI HIJO!! Woo hoo! AWWW it was amazing to be back with
Elder Kimball in my sector and just takin' out the trash! It was so fun!
Seriously! I love that man soo much!! We had such an awesome day and in the
night Elder Kimball opened up to me of the stress that he has been having and
it was awesome to give him some "father to son" advice and truly that
was awesome splits!
And an awesome thing that happened at the beginning of the week
was the first lesson we had with Jean Paul he just asked us, "This gospel
is so good. . . why isn't everyone a member? Can I invite others to listen to
you guys?" Ha, ha, ha! YES! Of course, we responded and then the next day
we left with him and we went to his friends house where he presented us to her.
Her name is Lyryel! And she is awesome! Truly it was amazing to see the spirit
of missionary work, work through Jean Paul. So we are super pumped about Lyryel
and to see where she gets to!
Then I had divisions or splits and that time I left and went to
Carlos Valdovino. That was the night Jean Paul was going to have his baptismal
interview. He told my comp that he had dropped smoking to only 1 cigarette now!
And he only started to try to stop smoking Sunday! That
was Thursday when he said that! It was amazing to hear about his
progress! But before the interview my comp and Elder Fernandez had a lesson
with him where he explained that he doesn't feel ready for baptism. He wants to
be more sure that he will be able to control his smoking problem and he wanted
to tell his mom first. Igual, he still had the interview with the DL just as a
practice, and he practically passed.
We always have a hard time teaching him on the weekends because
that's when he studies and works a lot, but he came to church again and then we
had a lesson where we met his mom who just was visiting him that day. She was
fine with everything but as we started to explain about baptism again he told
us that he wasn't sure about tithing. But its not like a typical doubt that
normal investigators have about tithing. He really wants to pay his tithing, he
has already looked at his income to see in what way he can pay. But he just wants
to "try it out" first before he gets baptized. It was kinda of a dumb
excuse and we think there might be something else as well we told him that the
church wouldn't even accept his ofrendas because he isn't even a member yet. It
was a hard lesson to keep control of everything. But he still believes
everything, he has told us that he wants to get baptized, but just not so fast.
Really he is sooo good! And we know he is ready! Tonight we are going to have a
family home evening with the 2nd counselor of the bishopric to see if we can
get him baptized this Saturday! I know it's possible!
So please keep Jean Paul in your prayers for this week! This is
the last week of March and we have a lot of people in our zone that can be
baptized but just need the last little "push" to be able to commit to
baptism. The assistants and even President have called us a few times just to
make sure we are gonna get these baptisms through for this month. So there's a
lot of pressure, but really I know these people are ready! I know our Heavenly
Father loves these kids of His who He has trusted us to teach and bring them
back to Him. Yes, it will take miracles, but who are we to put the limits upon
God? We had a new investigator called Ferney who is amaizng as well! He
accepted a baptism date right away and that was his response as well. He has a
lot of faith and we are pumped to keep teaching him!
Truly, the Lord is blessing us so much! I know it gonna have to
take a little bit more for him to bless us with these miracles! I can't wait
for this week!! Woo hoo!!
Elder Cowan
Sweet Letter sent to Dad
Thanks for updating me about the news of Grandpa. Really when
you read my letter this week we were able to finish the lessons off with our
super amazing investigator Jean Paul by teaching last, the Plan of Salvation.
This was Sunday afternoon about 4 and yes the spirit was strong in
the lesson but there was a moment where it was as if the spirit just poured into
my soul, and it was just when my companion was teaching and testifying of the
spirit world. My whole entire mission I usually explain the purpose of the
spirit world in really basic terms, but when the spirit just basically hit me
so strong I knew there was a reason. . . I have been wondering and pondering
why that moment of the lesson was the most powerful, and truly reading your
letter and receiving the news, I know the spirit was already
testifying to me and preparing me for this news. Que bonito!
I'm so grateful for your example of Seize the Day. I'm grateful
that you were able to tell me how you were doing. Did they give a exact amount
of how many months or is it unpredictable? I truly am grateful as well as our
whole family is for the spirit world. If I get to see him after my mission,
it'll be a great blessing, but at the same time it's such an even more amazing
and beautiful feeling knowing that if not, he'll be going to work in the spirit
world and that the two of us will be able to work together at the same time,
Grandpa and grandson! I love our Heavenly Father's plan! Everything is going to
be fine! I will for sure to keep the whole family in my prayers!
Love your son,
Elder Cowan
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