Dear Family and Friends!
Awww IMO in a little panic mode right now trying to think of literally where is the time going. I can't believe I just finished another transfer. And to think that I only have 3 more freaks me out. But I know everything will be fine!
Well since transfers ended, Elder Wagner has gone and I have a new companion. But really I just wanna say that Elder Wagner is one of the best missionaries I have gotten to know. We are different and we had our differencias but truly he is true servant of the Lord. I know the Lord is so proud of all the work that he has done here in Chile! I learned so much from him!
So! Onto my new companion! I'm companions with Elder Daniel now! He is in the same group as Elder Alcaraz and he is a stud! He is from Texas and is a genius! Seriously, he programmed video games for Andriods before the mission and is his only 19 years old too! He is a stud! As well, I'm so glad he is here! Because in our ward and sector we actually share it with two elders from the office who are called the Simi Squad. With our Rescate booklets with all the registers of members in each sector they are in charge of all of that. The last elders had some complications and they weren't able to get the new booklets out. But now with Elder Daniel he will be able to take out the trash and finish it. So it looks like we will be in the office at some times during this transfer but that's fine! He is a great guy! Actually, this is his first time as a zone leader and he was the trainer of Elder Peterson! Ha ha, how ironic! We are soo pumped for this transfer! There are going to be amazing things that are going to happen! I know it!
Well, General Conference I will jut say off the bat was incredible! I loved it soo much! Really receiving personal revelation is one of the coolest feelings EVER!! This was an amazing conference personally for me! Truly one of the main topics was marriage and the family! Woo hoo but don't worry President already told us today that those don't apply till after the mission ha ha! :) Well, the part about marriage at least! I truly loved all the talks! There was soo much! But I focused on 3 things. Revelation for right now for me, revelation for after the mission since this would be my last one, and revelation for my investigators. And with the questions I brought to conference, and only focusing in those 3 fields helped me a ton! I loved it! Elder Holland's talk was amazing!!! Wow! And Elder Utchdorf's talk! That was probably the question that got answered most which was that I wanted to deepen my conversion of the power of the Atonement.
I testify that Jesus is our Savior! He loves us so much! Just as Elder Holland taught, we are NOT in a continuous and helpless freefall. I have witnessed time after time in my mission his arms around me. I know He lives! His mercy and love are so infinite that it's incredible to feel. It's for the Atonement of Jesus Christ that I'm here as one of His representatives! I love Him soo much! What a blessing it is to have this gift open to us 24/7! The love, peace, happiness, and forgiveness that we need and want is reachable! And it's all thanks to Him! I love my Savior so much!
As well, one one talks that hit me to the center was Michael T. Ringwood! Truly, just as he told in the story. "Heavenly Father knows He is successful, I know He is a successful missionary so. . . who else matters?" I want to serve and consecrate myself for nobody else except for my loving Heavenly Father! I serve to please Him. Even though that is hard at times and there is always the tentacion of comparison and pride, but that is one of my goals now: to do everything for the glory for Him and nadie mas! I really only have about 4 months and I want them to be the best that they can possibly be! I loved that talk so much! It helped me a ton!
But for an update for the week! We are still teaching the reference that Jean Paul gave us to his friend, Lyryel, and she is progressing really well! We had to teach her outside in a little plaza but it didn't matter at all! We told her that we could just reschedule for another day to come sincel she is having a lot of pain in her thigh and is about to go under surgery for it so hurts for her to walk. But on the phone she got mad and said, "No! I want you guys to teach me and I'll do whatever it takes!" Ha ha, so she walks all the way down from the building and we taught her in a park a block away! And even though it was in a park it was so spiritual. That's what I love about this gospel! In any moment or at any place, when we testify of this gospel, we truly become part of the world, but not of the world.
As well, we are teaching our investigator Savka. who is a girlfriend of a return missionary that we ran into last Sunday on a corner of a street when they asked us where the closest church is. Truly, this return missionary understands his duty! The mission didn't stop after the two years for him. He came to us! And now we are teaching his girlfriend and it's going great! It was a miracle finding them!
And our investigator from Colombia came to general conference, Ferney! And Soni, who is from the Dominican Republic, came to general conference too! They liked it a lot! They are progressing little by little, but its just a little hard for them to understand everything so things are going a little slow for them. But it's alright!
As well, our zone is so amazing and we had 3 more baptisms this Sunday! It was a miracle! I was on divisions with one of the elders from the office and he was telling me how one of their investigators wanted to get baptized, but that they had not been able to teach him everything. I immediately called my comp and told him to go with his companion, find this investigator and do a practice baptismal interview. Well, he went and did it and called me and said that he felt like he was ready. They told us that in the morning the next day which was Friday. I debated if we should wait for this Sunday or for the next weekend after general conference. The elder I was with told me not to worry about it and that he could just get baptized the next weekend. I was fighting with a strong impression and just told him, "If someone happens to this teenager within the next week and a half and he doesn't get baptized the next weekend, the condemnation will fall upon me, so . . .let's go." So we left early in the morning and I went into this investigators house without even knowing him and woke him up and told him we were gonna do an interview! Ha h, Alex is his name and you probably could have imagined his facial expression! Well, by about 9 in the morning we had the interview and he has such a strong testimony! And he was baptized yesterday! IT was amazing!
As well, it was another tender mercy yesterday as Elder Wagner had to go to Maipu during the two sessions so that way he could stay there for the goodbyes that were gonna happen in the night and I got paired up with Elder Ramierz and we went to his zone to go watch the last session of conference and can you guess where it was? It was in Ochagavia! My second zone! And I was able to see all members from Clara Estrella again! IT was the best!!! Aww it was so nice to see those members! They mean so much to me!
Well I'm super pumped for this next week! Please keep us in our prayers! There's a lot to do and we still got to baptize!!! Woo hoo! I'm so grateful for transfers and to continue working in the Lord's vineyard!
I want each and every one of you to know how much I love you. (Mom, I got your letter that you gave to Elder Peterson! Thank you soo much!) I love you Dad and Mom, Justin, Stacie, Trevor, Kiersten, Blake as well as my future niece! HA ha And for all my incredible friends! I love you and I'm so grateful for the endless amount of blessings that the Lord has poured out upon us! I know families are eternal! I love you all soo much!!!
Love Elder Cowan :)
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