Monday, June 29, 2015

Baptisms of German, Maria and Shirley!

Buenos Dias Amigos y Familia!!! 

Aww well we just got back from our transfer meetings and aww! I just love President and his wife! They pump me up soo much!! And wow! I really can't believe another transfer has already gone by. Now it's down to the last 6 weeks! And I ain't going without a fight and until the end! I love this mission soo much!!

So this last week a ton of stuff happened so I'm just gonna give a review of the most important things that happened. First off, we got Savka to pull off her first FHE in her house and she invited her neighbor and she actually came! It was awesome to see one of my converts participate in missionary work as she is trying to adapt her life to this new path that she has taken. It truly was a miracle because that doesn't happen a whole lot here in Chile. If you invite someone, there's usually a small chance that that person will actually come. But her neighbor came! And her name is Barbara! It was an awesome family home evening!

To give you guys an update about Erlipper we didn't get to have enough lessons with him as we usually have been having with him, but he is still progressing really well. He couldn't go to church yesterday which we were a little bummed about but he has finished reading the first book of Nephi now and we are getting pretty close to finishing the missionary lessons with him. Mas de nada, he is trying to understand on how to recognize if he is getting an answer to his prayers or not. We have been teaching him a lot recently about the role of the Holy Ghost and how to recognize it's impressions. He told us Friday that he still hasn't noticed anything. We are thinking that he thinks his answer will come in a way of helping get better with his health since he is an elderly man and we have been noticing that that is what he has been asking for in his prayer, that he has better health. Once we can help him to feel the spirit, we believe that he will accept a baptismal date for July!

So that's how the first half of the week was going which was pretty tranquillo, but starting Thursday it started to get pretty stressful. Thursday morning I had to go with a missionary to take him to the hospital which is super far and it took almost half the day to do all the stuff with him in the hospital. But it was nice to be waiting in the hospital for about 3 hours and to see the same stuff that I would like to be doing after the mission.

But we were able to get back in time for lunch and we went up with Elder Daniel who was with Elder Martins and then I was with Elder Martins for a 2 day division as Elder Daniel left to his sector. So the whole transfer of companions with a long slow morning kinda got me a little stressed out. But what stressed me out even more was our sector. I was with Elder Martins for 2 days and I have no idea what happened to our sector, but it was just dead! Ha ha! Nothing happened and they were two really long days of just straight walking. IT was weird because Elder Daniel and I have been taking out the trash these past 3 weeks and then suddenly it seemed as if everything stopped. 

Then Thursday night Elder Martins was going to do the baptismal interview with German and Maria but they couldn't get back from their work in time to get to the church so we had to ask the assistants for permission to be able to do the interview the day before. They told us it was fine and after a whole day walking on Friday we were finally able to have the interviews, but there was a problem with one of the interviews in which it was needed for President to come in and do the interview for German. I'm not gonna go into details, but it was basically a 2 hour long wait as we were talking to the assistants as they would talk to President and then back to us and I just felt back for German and Maria because it kinda just ended up being an awkward situation as they just waited.

And at the same time other missionaries were calling me about some stuff that happened with some other missionaries which resulted in having a missionary going home which were some stressful phone calls and basically that night I just sat against the wall and I could barely sleep as I was trying to wrap my head around everything that was going on. It was probably one of the most stressful days of my mission.

But we were able to get everything worked out Saturday! President came in the morning and interviewed German and everything was fine so finally at about 3 in the afternoon we were sure that we were going to have a baptism that day in only 4 more hours. We are super grateful for President who sacrificed a lot to be able to drive out to us, on the same day of his planned baptism, to come and interview German. So after that we started filling up the font, and las hermanas in our zone had one baptism in the afternoon and we were able to finish the night with our 3 baptisms! 

And ohhh que gozo que fue! The baptismal service was amazing! I am so grateful for the members in this ward! They did soo much! More than we thought they would do. There were 2 special musical numbers and desserts after the baptism service and they really pulled it all off perfectly! It was a huge stress reliever to see the members coming in and pulling the last threads through to pull of the baptism and it was really beautiful! It was so emotional! I had the privilege to baptize German who I know is going to be a future stake president! This guy has so much faith! He has been waiting over a year for this day and it truly was a miracle and a huge blessing to have been able to be the one to baptism him. Elder Daniel baptized Maria and our friend, Jherson, a member that always leaves and does visits with us, baptized Shirley. IT was truly amazing! I loved seeing the 6 of us in white! IT was amazing!

Then to finish it off, we heard transfers and Elder Daniel and I are staying together for one more transfer! Woo hoo! I was a little nervous because on Saturday President told us that he was thinking of changing me to be one of his assistants but today in our transfer meeting he told me that in the end he didn't change me because he saw us our baptisms that we were gonna have that day and decided that it would be better to let us be here and keep baptizing. So it was a little shock I think for the mission because an hour before the transfer meeting, every single missionary that I knew came up to me and told me that I was going to be the next assistant. I think half the mission thought that, but I'm truly grateful that I have these next 6 weeks to keep going strong and to keep baptizing till the end. I love serving here and serving with those missionaries in my zone. This is the place where the Lord wants me and I'm grateful that I have this time to show and give everything I have over to the Lord!! 
I love my mission!

Love Elder Cowan

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