Dear Family and Friends!
Now onto the big news!! Drum roll please! . . . My new companion and my second son in the mission is!!!! ELDER KIMBALL! He is from Laguna Beach California!! And he is a stud! He really is like a California beach boy and super chill and relaxed, but at the same time in aspect for the missionary work he is a fireball which I love!! Ha ha, he graduated from high school early and went to one year of college at BYU. He is only 18 years old too! But such a stud! I know we are gonna go to work here in this sector! He came in Tuesday night and I got to know him and I let him know that we are going to be whitewash and that we need new investigators. He just smiled at me and just said, "Lets get to work!" HA ha! He knows Spanish really well for being a new, new missionary and he has a huge desire to work and give it his all! Woo hoo to my first American companion!
Our companionship really reminds me a ton of my companionship when I was in training with Elder Contreras. First off, I have the same time Elder Contreras has in the mission when he trained me and Elder Kimball knows Spanish fairly well and has a lot of desires to just get to work, and just the way he acts and the stuff he says to me is the same exact stuff I did and said as a new missionary! It feels so weird now to be on the other side of the training and to see him progress! Oh, and just to let you know, he isn't related to the President Kimball, but he is related to Heber C. Kimball! Woo hoo!
This week we really needed new investigators so we just started from the beginning and started knocking on doors! But as we went out this week, we would get ready for the day and as we would get ready to leave the house he would tell me, "We are going to find 4 new investigators today." And each day he said a different number and I don't know if he has the gift of future telling but whatever the number he said in the morning he accomplished! So this week he had 9 new investigators that we really only found in 5 days which is the most I have ever found in such a short time! This companionship is going to be awesome!
And we have had so many tender mercies from the Lord this week! Really! All those 9 new investigators we found were just put right in our path! We would be contacting for hours and wouldn't really have a lot of success, but then we would just be walking and someone would yell out to us or run into us and tell us that they would like us to pass by and to listen to our message! It was incredible! Really, about more than half of the new investigators we found this past week were just blessings that Heavenly Father put in our path to help us out! It was overwhelming and awesome!
I have had to really humble myself to the Lord this past week and I love being whitewash right now. I know last week I was really nervous, but I never back down from a challenge! And I have really turned to my Savior a ton this past week for help. Those 9 new investigators are proof of that, as well on Wednesday when we had our first district meeting which meant I had to teach my district. My district includes Elder Chacon and Elder Gutierrez from Chile and Peru and then we have Hermana Kemmy from California and Hermana Mena who lived in Texas for a lot of years and knows English perfectly. The hermanas are machines! They are awesome and just give it their all!
But as I was preparing for my district meeting I was completely lost of what I should do for my class. . . during my whole personal study I was trying to make a lesson plan and just got frustrated and felt like none of it was what needed to be shared, but I didn't have any more time and we went to the meetings. After the opening things for the district, I started my lesson and I can honestly say that the spirit directed that meeting. I didn't say one single thing that I planned in the morning and just shared with them the importance of unity with the Lord, then with your companion in order to find the elect chosen one the Lord is preparing for us. It was a great lesson and I felt the Spirit the whole time. I really can't remember anything else I said, but I had the confirmation of the Spirit to help me know that I did what I was supposed to do! Every day this past week and I know for all the time ahead, I will be trying to draw myself to my Savior. He can do all things. I know it. I know that faith is based on the principle of power and action. I know Heavenly Father has a plan prepared for us and He is right next to us every step.
Another spiritual experience was when I was able to do my first baptism interview!!!! Awww, which I will probably never forget! The sisters in my district told me that they had a mom they reactivated and now her two daughters and one son are going to be baptized. So I was a little nervous of what I should do for the interview and how I should know if they are prepared or not. One night, I was talking with the zone leaders and one of them told me, "Just start the interview and let the Spirit do the rest, you will know what to do, it's a pretty awesome experience." So I followed his advice and it was incredible! The baptismal candidates were Marion, Barbara, and Sebastian. The first was with Marion which was my favorite interview! I was still nervous of how I should start the interview and how I should help her feel comfortable. She entered the room and I tried doing the usual small talk conversation but it wasn't really going. Anyway, I offered a tiny little pray in my heart to help me to not make this interview awkward for her. She then sat down and gasped a little bit because she told me she has back pains from swimming . . . and right then I was just dumb founded and was thinking if that was a joke that she just mentioned something about swimming. I knew Heavenly Father was probably just smiling, letting me know that He was there helping me out. After that we were able to talk up a storm about swimming and all of our experiences. Then we got into the interview and it went great and they all passed! But what a tender mercy of the Lord that she just so happened to swim and that I just offered that prayer to help me get to know her better to feel more comfortable! It was great!
Alrighty! I have to go! This has been a hard, humbling, exciting and successful week! And Ï am excited to see what the Lord has more in store for me! I love my Savior so much! I know we can be cleansed through His Atonement! He loves each and every one of us sooooo much! And I am so grateful for this chance to take upon His name in my life for two years. I love Him and His work so much! May you guys be able to feel His love this week! Love you all!!
PS Okay mom this picture makes me so proud! Elder Alcaraz just sent it to me it and I made a legend in my last sector! Ha ha, because the ward was so bad Elder Hatch and I decided to make the Clear Star Cuatro! With the four elders in the ward, we always said and yelled it out all the time. And now in honor of Elder Hatch and me on the ward bulletin where it did say Barrio Clara Estrella, they changed it to CLEAR STAR in honor of us! It makes me so happy to know that I did everything that I could have possibly done for them! Woo hoo! Lets keep the legends going! :)
Love Elder Cowan
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