Monday, July 28, 2014


Dear Family and Friends,

Well, first off, I would like to congratulate Mom on always being able to do more than one thing at a time ha ha! You are incredible and can always put your mind to achieve all that you want. And look! You can walk and listen to books now, ha ha! I love you soo much!

As well, just about an hour or two ago we just had transfer meetings. And seriously they are my favorite meetings in the whole mission! Seriously President is a man called of God! He is incredible and I love that man sooooo much! As well, he does the transfers sooo fun too! Ha ha, I don't know if I have ever told you but normally Saturday in the night the missionaries find out about changes and you will only know if you are going or leaving. Nothing else. You don't know where or with who or what! And so if one missionary is leaving he will pack his bags and then in the transfer meeting there is a huge movie screen and he projects all the changes on the screen and it is always soo surprising! President is always soo random, but I know it is by revelation! And that's why the meetings are always so fun and suspenseful! Ha ha, I love it!

Now, I just wrote that to let you guys know how it all works. But don't think that I have changes! Ha ha, Elder Kimball and I are still together! Don't worry! There is still a lot of work and success we have to do here! Woo hoo! But this transfer meeting was one that was really, really emotional for me. I was crying for half of the meeting! HA ha! And that's because there are 22 leaders of the mission going home. And about 5 or 6 of those leaders have been my past zone leaders or assistants to the president ever since I got here in the mission. And for all this time I have always looked up to them as heroes and as examples. And now, sadly enough, they are all going home which made it emotional to say goodbye to them. (Blake if you could try to look for Taylor Lythgoe, he´s going to back to BYU this next semester and he is a stud! I feel like you two would get along great! He actually knows a lot of people from Mesa already too!). 

And the second thing that made the meeting emotional was that as I was thinking of all the time I have had looking up to these leaders, I was thinking to myself of why they have to leave, why do missionaries have to finish their missions. For me, it's one of the saddest things. . . And that's when it hit me during the meeting that these leaders are going home because they have hit their 2 years. And even though they have been my leaders my whole mission, I realized that today I have 11 month in the mission!! And that now it's time for others to fill their footsteps. . . And I want to be one of them! And I realized how fast this next year is going to fly by. . . It scares me to even think that! But I will make it the best!

That meeting was just incredible and I'm going to miss Elder Lythgoe, Elder Thompson and Elder Nelson sooo much! But I know they are going to be great when they get home! And now it's time to go back to work and have another transfer with Elder Kimball and even though we had a lot of success at some times, we need to find a lot of more people still. Because this past week . . . well I don't want to write about it . . . it was just a really long week and we didn't really have any lessons for the week and it was really hard, which I was kinda thinking might happen right after having an incredible week! We actually finished on a average good note for the transfer so it wasn't all lost. I really was just looking forward to the transfer meeting because Monday till about Thursday we couldn't get into one single house . . . Luckily, the weekend we were able to have about 5 lessons a day and it was all well. But at the beginning we had to endure a lot ha ha! But Elder Kimball and I just got to know each other even better and didn't let each others excitement go down! I love this companionship!!!!!!
And now with all the new investigators we have found since we have been whitewashed, we still need to keep finding more people. More people prepared and ready for the waters of baptism. Because this last transfer we were able to find a TON of people but being able to have a follow up lesson has been really hard. So we need to get into Game Time mode and find the people that the Lord is preparing for us! Which I know they are there! And I know we are going to have baptisms soon!

Another side note . . . is that tomorrow I have to go back to the CCM. But this time for something a little different . . .an appointment with the doctor. . . Starting about Tuesday I started having a lot of pain in my lower abdominal part. Like where your appendix is (which I don't know if you remember but this pain has been there before in my mission) but it's a little lower. It started up Tuesday and I realized it was that same pain I have experience like 4 or 5 other times in my mission, but I have always thought it was my appendix or anything. I called the Sister doctor of the mission (who doesn't really know a whole lot . . .) and she just told me to wait it out. But we live with a missionary that was studying to become a doctor before he left and he checked me up and told me that it's not a stomach or appendix problem. But I just kept telling everyone to not worry about it . . .

Well, as I said that started up again Tuesday but normally, as it has in the past, it goes away within a day . . . but it kept going . . .to Tuesday to Wednesday tillThursday up until last night to where last night I could barely walk. I personally think it might be a hernia . . . but we don't know right now. . . Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor and we will see. Right now it doesn't hurt, but these past couple 5 days it has. But!! Don't worry, Mom! It will be totally fine! Maybe it's just another worm ha ha ha!  (just a joke). Ha ha! So I will let you guys know how that goes. So with that and with hardly having lessons that's why this last week was a little long. But I am SUPER excited for this next transfer! Woo hoo! I love starting a new transfer every time! 

I know the Lord is with us! I can testify of that! I know that this is HIS work! And it is the most joyful, loving, spectacular experience in the whole entire world! Keep working with the Lord! Let Him shape you into what He wants and plans for you to be. And most importantly, have the faith to act in His name to receive power from on high and to see miracles in your lives. I pray for you all so much and am so grateful for each and every one of you!! 


Elder Cowan

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