Monday, August 18, 2014

Healthy Elder Cowan

Dear Family and Friends,

Well, I will just start off by saying that this letter is going to be really short. There are some things the assistants want the district leaders to do extra every week during Internet time and I haven't been able to do it for a couple weeks now, so I have been behind on turning in the past three weeks of informes and stuff! So that took up a lot of my time today! So sorry that this letter is going to be a little bit shorter!

But woo hoo for you, Mom! You are such a great example to me! With helping that humble family out! That really touched my heart! And, as well, it cracks me up whenever you are writing about your family history adventures with Sister Bunker. It sure seems like you have a new "companion!" Ha ha, how awesome! You guys will do great!

And wow! You guys really did change my bathroom around completely! And yea I would love to see some pictures! I would like the surprise as well, but I know I will probably forget all about in at the end of my mission! So just send those pictures my way! President Wood is a stud! Ha ha! 

And Mom, before I forget, I was wondering if you could send me some pictures of grandma and grandpa on both sides of the family. Like I said last week I have been working on "My Family" pamphlet, but I almost finished it all but I would like to put little pictures in the little squares to show them! And talking more about family history . . . We were in the third hour of church yesterday when the bishop announced that the ward was going to have an indexing activity this Wednesday. But after we announced that there was just some blank faces and stares at him. He realized and looked at the brethren and asked them "who knows what indexing is?" And, sadly, almost all the priesthood holders have never heard about it! HA ha and the bishop only a little. So he turned to me and I was able to stand up and teach the ward what indexing is and how important it is in the family history research we can do and taught them how they can do it all and everything! Ha ha It's weird sometimes hearing from you guys in the states and where the progress of the Church is there and the difference it is here in South America, or at least in Chile. but I thought you would be proud of me teaching the ward that mom! Ha ha, I was thinking of you!

As well, just to let everyone know, especially you, Mom, that I am feeling super better!!! This whole past week we were able to leave and work every day and I haven't had any pain. At some times it is only sore or maybe uncomfortable, but there's no pain! Woo hoo! So we almost had a complete week of work! As well, Thursday we went back to the doctors because the doctor wanted to see me and he took off my bandages and there are only two little scabs on the left and right side of my belly button. But they are tiny tiny, I thought I was going to have a cool scar--dang it, ha ha! But you could tell that this doctor did a super good job! He checked me out and confirmed that everything was fine! And I have one more appointment with him at the end of this month just to double check and confirm everything is fine! So no worries family and friends! Elder Cowan is fine! But yes, Mom, I know I have to take it easy still. I was out working every day but we aren't pushing ourselves for right now! Hermana Barreiros calls me a lot just to tell me the same thing you tell me. And, as well, not to be dumb. Ha ha, I love her! :)

Well, this week was a pretty average week! Saturday we had a little bit of a problem with a companionship in my district and they were fighting and arguing so I had to do some special divisions for some time to separate those two elders. It really is sad that sometimes the pride can enter the hearts and make some forget all about the charity and pure love of Christ. It sadden me to walk into their pension and was just hit by a wall of a bad spirit. I was able to sit down with the two elders and resolve the problem and everything. It was something that I wasn't planning on, but I'm glad to be their district leader and to help them be real missionaries and to not have them waste their time arguing when they can be saving Heavenly Father's children. But for right now everything is a little better.

Other than that we were able to get some lessons in for the week! And we found some new investigators as well. Like Jose! Who we were just contacting and he opened his door and yelled out to us "HOLA!" We were a little surprised and went to go talk with him and he let us into his house right away and he's awesome! We just had a tiny lesson with him, but Elder Kimball was talking about how we have been called of God to share what we know, and even though we may not be able to talk completely perfect in the language, we know of the message that we share is true. Elder Kimball said that with such sincerity and really  looking straight into the eyes of Jose. And in that moment we know he felt the spirit. He looked up at us and told us, "It doesn't matter what language you speak . . . I can feel it." It was such a sweet moment as he took his hand and was pointing out his heart and kept telling us that he feels it. I am so grateful for the role of the spirit! It really is key in everything we do! I try soo hard to have and keep the spirit with me everyday! It is the factor that changes everything!!!! And I am so grateful and each and everyone of us that have been baptized have the gift of this! How incredible, right?!!! For me, baptisms are very special, obviously, but one of the most special things I love seeing is the ordinance of the confirmation to a new convert! It really helps me to know that they have made it to this point, and even though I won't be with them for long, they have that spirit for a lifetime! And I know they will all be good!

I love the SPIRIT! I love how I have the chance to feel it everyday in my mission. And not to just feel it, but to share it with others. It is such a tender experience to see someone feel this spirit for the first time in their entire life! It is incredible! And I am so grateful to be a messenger of this wonderful Spirit. It really has changed my life being able to feel this so much this past year. And I hope all of you can feel this Spirit every day too because you can! It's incredible! A member of the Godhead can always be with us! Isn't that incredible! It is such a great privilege and blessing! 

I have to go now! I hope you will all have a great week! And a week full of opportunities to feel the impressions of the Holy Ghost. Search for it; it wants to be with you so badly! And make sure to help others feel it as well! I am so grateful to be in this mission! It's the best! And I love each and every one of you soo much! 


Elder Cowan

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