Monday, September 29, 2014

Down to the very last second MIRACLE!

Dear Family and Friends!

Awww, I'm just completely overwhelmed of gratitude for the limitless blessings and miracles from the Lord that took place in only these past 7 days! I hope I will be able to cover everything that happened this week! Because it was JAMMED packed with a ton of awesome things! But to first start off, Mom, yes, we are still visiting Francisco and Caroline but we haven't been able to visit them for like the past 2 weeks because they are only available Wednesday in the nights which is the days we normally visit Nancy and Alejandro. And we weren't able to visit Nicolas or Gustavo this past week either but! We were super occupied with miracles!!!!

But to first start off the week. . . we were pressed with some high opposition with Nancy, Alejandro and Francisco this week from the beginning on Monday. After p-day we went over to their house and taught the Word of Wisdom. From that we knew that Alejandro was drinking a little wine and a lot of tea. As well, Nancy smoked a little and, as well, drank tea. . . they were taken back a little bit when they learned about the Word of Wisdom and how they will have to drop these things for good now. But we testified and testified so much that at the end of the lesson they understood that it really was a revelacion from a prophet of God and that it all depends on their obedience. But ending Monday like that Elder Kimball and I were a little worried because we had planned for them to be baptized that weekend. But we prayed a lot and trusted in the Lord that they would reach to that day. . . . 

Tuesday was a day where I was gone and went on divisions with an Elder in my district, so I was a little worried that I wasn't going to be there to teach Nancy and Alejandro, but I know I have such a studly companion and knew that Elder Kimball would lead everything well in the lesson. Elder Kimball called me Tuesday and notified me that again they had a more or less lesson with them. They taught the Law of Chastity and Elder Kimball told me that Francisco wasn't really sure about it all because he has some strong relationships with his girlfriend. . . That made me stress a little bit just because I knew I wasn't there to help them and the fact that for the past 3 or so weeks we have been teaching them a lot and they just have been eating all our lessons up and progressing super fast. But this past week with the Word of Wisdom and then in that moment with the Law of Chastity they were now more or less in the lessons. 

I couldn't wait to get back to my sector after the call from Elder Kimball Tuesday, but the zone leaders called me and told me that they wanted to go on divisions with us Wednesday and that I would be going to their sector while one of our zone leaders would go with Elder Kimball to our sector. I was a little bummed about that because that meant I wouldn't be in my sector for 2 straight days and that meant two straight days in a week when we were trying everything possible to pull off a baptism by the weekend. So I was even more stressed out, but I obediently went with our zone leader and was in his sector Wednesday which was a busy day and we had a lot of success, but I was worried the whole time because I knew we would have to have their baptism interviews Thursday or Friday to be able to baptize them Saturday and confirm them Sunday. 

So Elder Kimball called me again Wednesday night and notified me that Nancy, Alejandro, and Francisco had a lot of doubts and weren't really sure about being baptized Saturday. Elder Kimball told me that they couldn't really have them commit 100% to anything, but that they were able to finish teaching all the lessons. And soo you could probably imagine that I was super stressed out and worried! And even more because it was only a few days before our planned baptism and I still hadn't seen our investigators for two days! Ha ha, you can probably imagine the joy I had to finally get back with Elder Kimball to our sector Thursday. Elder Kimball and I prayed, prayed, prayed, and prayed SOO much! I have never felt the spirit so strong in my prayers before. In those prayers we really poured out all our souls to the Lord; I have never felt such a high level of prayer before. I am just incredibly grateful for Elder Kimball because he lead our sector so great while I was gone and he has so much faith! 
Thursday morning and Friday we were occupied the entire time preparing a lesson plan for Nancy and Alejandro. We finally came up with a plan and went to their house for the night. We started off with verifying the commitment that Elder Kimball left for them to do the night before, which was to simply re-read Moroni 10:3-5 and to pray to really know if all of this was true and to know if they should be baptized Saturday. Well, they told us that they did it and none of them felt like they received any type of answer. I was just dumb founded that they really didn't feel anything. I was really confused at how they couldn't receive anything. But I felt a strong impression during the lesson that, of course, they didn't receive any answer and that was because they had already received it before. We then testified of the power of the Atonement and that through the Grace of His Atonement whatever our faults or whatever short-comings we end up with, He provides the rest. We showed the video, "Because of Him" which that video is so awesome! Afterward the spirit was so strong. We invited them AGAIN to be baptized this Saturday and they felt like they just weren't completely sure. I then decided to ask them the baptismal interview questions to which they all believed in everything. I pulled out my agenda to the page that shows those questions and showed and proved to them that they were ready.
We testified that fear and faith can't be together. That is when I realized the time and it was really late and we needed to get back to the pension, but still we didn't have a 100% yes on the baptism. But I really couldn't think of anything else to do, so we ended with a prayer and I stood up, looked them all in the eye and told them, "If you guys really do have the faith, then you will act in that faith and we WILL see you guys tomorrow at the stake center for your interviews." And then we left! 

Not until we entered the house is when I realized what exactly I had just done . . . we had really just left everything up to the Lord to see if they would really act in faith. But we weren't just going to act like sitting ducks and wait so we decided to act in our faith and ran around all Friday trying to plan everything for the baptism and to find baptism tunics. And we were able to work everything out and then went to the stake center at 7:30 . . . where we waited, and waited, and waited! Aww, it felt like an eternity! I was panicking and was so nervous to see if they really were going to show up or not. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went into a small room and prayed. And it was probably one of the most beautiful prayers I have ever felt, the spirit was so strong. I really just plead with the Lord that it was in His hands and that there was nothing I could do, but that if He could just let us have these baptisms, then He would help them show up for their interviews.

After that prayer, with tears in my eyes I went up to Elder Kimball who was praying in another room, with tears in his eyes as well, and we both smiled and told each, "Yes, it's totally going to happen." Up to that point we waited with the zone leaders till 8:43 with only like 15 minutes left till curfew when we got a phone call. . . . .and it was NANCY! And they told us that they were waiting outside the church!!!!!!!!! :) Oh what joy and happiness! I was overwhelmed to see them waiting for us! Francisco wasn't there because he still has to fulfill some goals we set for the Law of Chastity, but he still wanted to go but physically couldn't come because his health problems acted up again and was in bed the whole day and couldn't move his back. But Nancy and Alejandro came and they both passed their interview!!!! Afterwards they told us that Alejandro wanted me to baptize him and Nancy wanted Elder Kimball to baptize her. AwwWWw I can't even describe the happiness to know that this couple was going to be baptized! I realized that it had been some time since I personally had been in the baptismal font and I was just overwhelmed with joy!

Really, with all the challenges we had with them this past week finally the miracle came down to the very last second! And the big day arrived! Saturday we went to the chapel early to start filling up the baptismal font. The heater was broken so we had to fill it up with cold water. We also found out that the other elders from the ward were going to have two baptism as well. There was a kid in the ward that was going to be baptized by his dad. So when the font was all filled, everyone arrived and and we changed into white. And as you can see in the pictures it was a full "White House!" There were a total of 10 people dressed in white! It was an overwhelming experience and I had a smile that entire afternoon and night--a smile from ear to ear! You could really feel that we were in the presence of angels. It was such a beautiful experience to witness and to see so many people accepting the Lord's covenant and gospel. Elder Kimball and I were just balling our eyes out! Ha ha!

The baptismal service was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever felt in my mission. Everything was perfect! The talks were so powerful and the special musical numbers and everything. And then it finally came down to the moment! The actual baptism. Alejandro and I were last, but remember when I said we had to fill the font with cold water . . .well by 8 o clock the temperature dropped a whole lot and the water was FREEZING! Ha ha, aww it was sooo cold! Ha ha, but it was worth it so much! Alejandro and I entered and we looked up and we had such a big amount of people from the ward to support them. I was able to offer the prayer and baptized Alejandro. The happiness is indescribable . . . 

After we returned to the sacrament room where Nancy and Alejandro wanted to give their testimonies. And when Alejandro bore his testimony, dressed in a new black suit, the spirit testified to me that this man is going to be a priesthood holder, and not only a priesthood holder, but a leader in this church. As he bore his simple, but powerful testimony about the Book of Mormon it looked as if he were a bishop or stake president. It was incredible!

Sunday, the bishop gave us the opportunity to confirm them, as well, which was another sweet experience to really give the Holy Ghost to them. They are so strong now! They are just an example to me and I know just as you said, Mom and Dad, the veil was opened and we did see the Lord's hand mold two of his children to be faithful members in His church. Everything was a miracle this past week! I know Francisco couldn't be baptized, but he for sure will in the month of October! 

The Lord is blessing us soo much! I have never felt His love so strong in my life! I love His gospel. I am eternally grateful for the Restoration and for the chance to hold this priesthood to baptize God's Children. I love this gospel so much!! I am so grateful that these baptisms took place! Thank you all so much for your prayers in our behalf, we witnessed the blessings this last weekend. Now we will go forth and keep giving it our all before the end of transfers which today during p-day we ran into President who told me that I'm going to have transfers. . . it's sad to hear that, but it just gives Elder Kimball and I more excitement to really dedicate and consecrate the next half part of the transfer to see more of the miracles that our Heavenly Father has in store for us.

He is with us all. He loves you all so much! Just as I love each and every one of you so much!

Have an incredible week!


Elder Cowan

Monday, September 22, 2014

18th of September

Dear Family and Friends!

Holy cow! I really can't believe that I am writing to you guys again! It feels like I just got left the Internet store to write you guys! Holy cow! It's crazy how fast the time flies!

Well, wonderful friends and family! I really am kinda at a loss of what to write! I feel like all the days just blurred into one this past week! And because I was almost done writing my letter to you guys but then the computer crashed so here I am writing to you guys again! Ha ha! 

Basically, the whole thing that occupied us this past week was the 18th of September which is the HUGE Independence Day for Chile! And when I am talking about HUGE I really mean it! They go all out for this date! And they prepare months before for this one day! Ha ha! Let's just say was the best Independence day I have had and probably ever will experience in my whole life! It was incredible! 

But since it is such a huge thing that means everyone is occupied with it! Basically, from Tuesday up until yesterday everyone was off and basically had the whole week free to celebrate! But with that, it just includes a lot of parties and a lot of visits to peoples houses. . . all in all a slow time for missionary work. But it was still amazing to celebrate this great country's Independence! CHILE RULES!!!! Ya Po!!! Seriously, I am in the best country ever! I love being here! It's the best to be a missionary here! 

Well, the 18th fell on a Thursday I'm pretty sure if I can recall well enough. So we were able to have Monday and Tuesday to have two straight working days, but other than that it was all slow. Monday we had a family home evening with Paolo Fuentes who is a super cool new member that just moved into the ward. They told us that we had to plan the lesson for them, ha ha. Well, we didn't really know what to share with them since we didn't know them, but we both decided to watch the "4 Minutes" general conference talk. It actually was perfect for them because it is he and his wife and his new born baby girl. But the thing we didn't know is that they haven't been sealed in the temple yet. So we were able to motivate them that they need to take advantage of their time and get married! And now they have a time in the middle of Octubre set for the temple! Woo hoo! Aww I love the temple sooooo much!!!! Take advantage of having a temple only MINUTES away!

As well, we were able to meet with Gustavo who now has a baptism date! Woo hoo! For the middle of Octuber and he is going great! We found out that his parents are 7th day Adventists but he's going strong! Ha ha! He is actually applying for Juilliard (I hope I spelled that right) but it's that huge famous musical arts college and he's applying for! And holy cow! He plays the piano like crazy! It's incredible!!!!! I have never seen such great talent before! The applications are gonna start in December though. 

After Monday and Tuesday that is when the 18th just took over everything basically. Wednesday we had our district meetings which I have such an awesome district! They are all such studs! Then Elder Kimball and I had to go to the church to help set up the decorations for the ward activity which took the whole day and we didn't have a ladder so we had to improvise like the Chilean way and put two tables on top of each other to put up the banners and flags! I was the tallest so they made the tall "green go" go up on the wobbly table and do it. But the roof was just outside my reach so I had to be on my tippy toes the whole entire time from about 4:30 till 9 at night almost! Oh man, yea, you could say that was a heavy calf work out! Ha ha. I was dead the next day! But it was actually really great to gain a ton of the trust of the members now! Since we were the only missionaries that stayed here this transfer they trust in us a ton now! 

Then we had the big 18th celebrating which we started at the 1st counselors house for lunch at about 1 in the afternoon and had a ton of empanadas! Holy cow! You wouldn't believe it! Just at that house alone Elder Kimball and I both ate 7 each! And they are so incredibly good! AWW!! I love empanadas! That's a traditional thing to eat on the 18th. Then we went to the ward activity right after that where we partied hard! Ha ha! There were tons of games and activities to do and a ton of dances. It was great! And even more empanadas! We had a total of 8 that day! Ha ha! That with a ton of other food! Woo, we ate so good! Ha ha and I got crowned as a official Chilean!! Woo hoo Ya po!! That's because I won in a lot of the games and activities and they were all super impressed! All the members were so happy that I've become a real Chilean! HA ha, it felt pretty great to tell the truth to be told that! Now I'm a Chileano greengo! Ha ha! It was awesome! We had a great time with the members! The activity was all day long and it was just endless games and dances (but, no, we didn't dance ha ha). 

After that Friday up until Sunday everyone was dead. Ha ha including Elder Kimball and me. We hardly could visit people and the only people we could talk to were the drunk people from the parties from the night before, ha ha. But we were able to have two tender mercies Saturday when I had a terrible headache. We were just contacting the entire day because we couldn't get into anyone's houses and I really just wanted something to eat. But we kept going and contacted the entire day while my headache was getting worse. That is when we just ended up talking with someone in the street that didn't want anything to do with us and I just closed my eyes and offered a tiny prayer that Heavenly Father would help me with my headache. And not even 5 SECONDS after I ended that prayer I turned around and there was a women walking super fast and whipped out a bag of chocolate chip cookies and said, "Here you go elders!" . . . . I couldn't even believe it. Just two seconds after my prayer was answered. I couldn't even control my emotions and just said thank you and had tears in my eyes for how merciful the Lord is sometimes. I really was such in shock of what really happened that I turned around to go talk to that nice women but . . . when I turned around she was gone! As if she just disappeared! Elder Kimball couldn't believe it either and we back tracked a little bit and knocked on the same doors to see if she went into one of those houses, but we couldn't find her in any of them! I am still confused to this moment of where she went, but I can testify that she was an angel sent to bless us! I have never been so grateful for cookies before! As well, later that night we got a call from a less active that is recovering from cancer and she yelled in the phone that we needed to go to her house now. So we hung up and ran over there to which we opened the door and it was the whole bishopric and half the Relief Society basically in this tiny house singing "Happy Birthday" for my companion! Ha ha, they were a little confused and thought his birthday was that day, but it's actually not till the 3rd of Octuber ha ha, but they had a ton of food and cake for us and it was another tender mercy to share the time with them since we had a really long day with no success contacting. I love this ward! I love every ward I am called to serve in! And more! I just love the Chilean people! They are the best! 

I love Chile so much! It is a place that is and forever will be saved in my heart. It really is the best place and I know my Heavenly Father is so merciful enough to have sent me here to serve this pueblo! I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT!

I love you guys as well and hope you have an incredible week!


Elder Cowan

Monday, September 15, 2014

Faith, Love and Tender Mercies of This Gospel

Dear Family and Friends!

How is everyone doing!!!??? (And that's not a closed-end question) I actually wanna hear HOW you are all doing! Ha ha I'm doing great and doing the greatest thing in life! And that's being a missionary obviously!! Woo hoo! I really didn't know what to put as the title of my letter this week, so mom if you wanna change it, go ahead and change it! Ha ha But at the same time it's true. I have really come to really find the principle of power in faith and to feel the endless flow of love in this gospel! Man, just to think that if missionaries never baptized my dad that I would probably never have been born! Ha ha, weird thought. . . But! I really do love this gospel so much! I love having faith in my Savior Jesus Christ who supports and guides me everyday! It is such a tender experience being a missionary!

Well, onto our awesome week! Well first off! This past week was the first week of the new transfer and Elder Kimball and I are just PUMPED! Aww like so pumped as if we were going to swim a 4X100 relay race at State or something, ha ha, I don't know how to explain it! But tenemos animo!! And it's not just us, but our district, zone, and the whole mission is so excited right now. It's incredible! :) This transfer we are giving it our ALL! And this past week I don't think I have worked soo hard and have used my time so efficiently these past 7 days! And it's just been a feeling of satisfaction for what we have done, not pride, but to really have the confidence that our loving Heavenly Father is really with us and blessing us! How incredible that is since I just read some other letters from some other missionaries in their missions and how spectacular it is to know that He's blessing everyone! He is for sure hastening His work! Woo hoo! 

Another cool exciting thing that happened this past week is the 11th of Septiembre! Which is the start of Chile´s Independence Week! And wow! It's so weird to think that for the Independence last year I was still in the CCM! Woo! Time flies! But Chile is awesome! If you think it's cool to see those deacon and teachers run and put out flags on your yard, wait until you see Chile! Boom! It's Chilean flags en cualquier lado (everywhere!!). They sure have pride of their country! And so do I!This country is amazing! And they don't just celebrate their Independence for one day, but for a whole week! Oh yea! We have been eating good this week, trust me! Ha ha! :) A lot of Coca Cola and meat! Ha ha! That's Chile for ya! And it's the best!

We had a lot of tender mercies this week as well! The first one was on the 11th of September. We ate in the house that day and we were there with the six missionaries of the whole ward. We were discussing about how the day was going to be with all the festivals and holiday stuff going on that day. The other elders thought that it would be a slow day and that they wouldn't get into a whole lot of houses. But we ate fast (cause we always eat faster in the house than in the houses of the members) and it was about 2:30, which normally missionaries start having lessons at about 4. Normally during this time it is a little bit more harder to work because that's the time of "siesta" where everyone kinda chills out and takes naps and stuff--that or they are eating lunch. Since we are normally always in the houses of the members at that time, we just decided to leave because we weren't just gonna give up and sit in the house like the others. So Elder Kimball and I walked out of the house and didn't even walk down 10 houses when we knocked on a door of an old investigator who we have never been able to find because her schedule is really difficult. But when we knocked on the door, she answered! And we were able to give her a lesson and as a reward (I think for leaving early and working she gave us a Chilean Flag! woo hoo!). We were able to pass by the house where the elders were still there just laying on the couch and once they saw our cool flag they jumped up and asked, "Where'd you get that?" And Elder Kimball just really slyly said, "Obedience comes with a price!" Ha ha, from then the other elders got off their butts and we all went to work before 4! Ha ha!

As well, we were able to teach Francisco and Carolina twice this week and they are really progressing great! I don't know what it is about them, but I love visiting with them! I want to help this new family to be together forever! As well, we found a new investigator this week called Nicolas! Who is only 16 years old but is a neighbor and friends of another investigator we have. He has problems with the relationships with his parents, but he is really humble and really just wants the best in his life. We were able to teach him twice this week as well. The first time was on Tuesday where when we showed up the dad was a little rude and wasn't going to let us in. So we had to teach Nicolas on the front door step. But even though the setting was a little different and odd, the spirit was so strong! And even though he's just a teenager he is really mature and has a lot of faith! It is a testimony builder to me! And we were able to give the first lesson in 15 minutes and even right there on the door step we knelt and prayed and he accepted a baptism date! Woo hoo! :)

Then we passed by again Friday where again we couldn't go inside, but we decided to go to the park in front of his house (which is next to a Catholic church which was a little weird but whatevs! ha ha) and at that time the sun was setting and the wind was picking up and it was getting really cold. As we sat on the bench together, I realized he was shivering and I gave him my coat, which made me start to get cold and shiver. But it was truly a tender mercy as we said the first prayer and started testifying to him, it was just as if it was a switch and the coldness just went right away. I have come to know why it says, the fire of the Holy Ghost because as we began testifying, I wasn't cold anymore and really felt like we were all next to a little campfire. Then as the lesson ended, and as we ended with the last prayer and when the words, "Amen" were spoken, the switch turned again and the coldness came in. Ha ha, it was really a sweet experience to know that even though we were in a weird setting with cold weather, the spirit was there with us. To that I can testify.

Then Saturday the tender mercies didn't stop. Saturday morning we decided to go back to the new "rich" part of our sector that they are building (where we found Nancy, Alejandro, and Francisco) and decided to go contacting. We contacted the whole morning and it was at first a little battle . . . As we contacted for about 2 hours we weren’t having any luck. We hadn’t been able to talk with anyone. There was a battle of thoughts going through my head. Some like, "Elder Cowan what are you doing here, they are all rich, they wont be receptive, and they are all working . . ." But at the same time I had thoughts like, "Just keep going, it will all pay off if you show your faith . . ." After a couple of blocks and with this inner fight going on, we decided to stop at the corner of a block and I asked Elder Kimball how he was feeling. He expressed that he was in the same situation. He decided to think of what he should do. And as we thought, there was a silence for a few minutes. Then Elder Kimball just perked his head up and just told me, "We're still going!" And from that I was able to feed back from his excitement and decided to keep contacting--to which we knocked on the VERY next door and Gustavo answered the door! He's 19 years old and let us in right away! He is really nice and really receptive! I was just blown out of my mind at what really happened. And how perfectly timed it was. I looked at Elder Kimball and he had the biggest smile on his face. So we went in and taught him and he wants us to keep coming by more! Woo hoo! What a blessing!
Now to the last bits and parts of our incredible week! Now onto Nancy, Alejandro, and Francisco! Our family of Gold! Awww I love them so much! They attended church again with us and they are just loving it! We were able to pass by twice this week and they are really progressing a lot! We have to help Nancy and Alejandro with the Word of Wisdom, but other than that they are progressing great. They are going out of town to the south for the holidays this week so we changed their baptism dates for the 27th. Please pray for them to get baptized on that date. Well, that Saturday or Sunday. I guess just pray for that weekend! :) It is truly awesome how the members are working with us. They have noticed that they are super prepared and have just jumped on the train of excitement with us! We have been having a lot of Family Home Evenings with them at the houses of the members that want them to come. We actually had too many houses offer for a family night that we had to turn some down which I have never had to do before! Tuesday we had a Family Home Evening with the 1st counselor of the stake presidency and his family. And they are just incredible! They are like one of my favorite families! And it went great! We actually had to leave early to enter the house on time, but they stayed with the family till about 11:30 at night! Ha ha It's awesome to see the excitement in the members! 

As well, yesterday there were two baptisms that happened in our ward. One was a baptism for a ward member's son that just turned 8. And an investigator of the sector of the other elders got baptized. And the service was just beautiful! The spirit was just so strong! Nancy and Alejandro were there and they loved it too! We are really trying to focus on Nancy because Saturday in our lesson with them Alejandro told us that he wants to be baptized but doesn't want to do it alone. Francisco wants to as well, but Nancy just is a little nervous and has a few little doubts, but the baptism service helped us a lot! After the service ended, Nancy came up to me and said, "I want you to baptize my husband!" I was so happy when she said that!! The spirit really touched them in that service! I am so grateful that they are progressing so incredibly fast. It truly is a miracle!!

And with that, my week has been one for the books for sure. A lot of tender mercies and miracles are happening. I am so grateful that I didn't have changes and that I am here to leave my legend behind here. I am so grateful for the faith and love this gospel gives me. I have seen these tender mercies take place through faith. Every day it is such a blessing to feel Christ's love, no matter what happens! I love feeling this love! And I love this Gospel!

I love you all sooooo much! You are all in my prayers! Have an incredible week!

Love You!!!

Love Elder Cowan

Here's a little note to me:
Wow an awesome week at the temple! After my mission I just hope I can go to the temple sooo much! I miss it some times but at the same time what I'm doing is amazing! :) But I always love hearing about your temple experiences. as well that idea about what Aunt Debbie´s ward does is cool! I love the idea! Maybe we will be able to try it out! Great thinking Mom! :) 

As well, just to let you know, my health is all good. For some reason Saturday and Sunday of the last week the area of my hernia was hurting me. But it's gone away now. And we are all back to normal working. Whenever it does act up, I take it easy, though. And I thought I had one more doctor's appointment, but they never called so I think I'm good!

Here's his letter to Mike:
Wooow! That´s soo cool that you got to be with Elder Cook! I'm sure that meeting was incredible! We also just got some exciting news too! The 10th of November Elder Russell M. Nelson is coming to talk to our mission! Woo hoo! It's going to be awesome! Elder Holland last year and now Elder Nelson! Woo hoo! I'm so excited! And for the general conference! I love listening to the prophets and apostles! :)

And even though our mission president has talked about that same exact scripture, (D&C 138:56) this time in your letter it really stood out at me! Wow, I just can't express it enough, being a missionary is extraordinary! It's amazing, amazing, amazing! This month in the mission we are really pushing ourselves. President has set a lot of high goals, but this is the time that I have felt like the whole entire mission is excited and pumped to achieve these goals and dreams we have! I feel like my faith has boasted ten fold and Elder Kimball and I are working soo hard! Woo! This past week was a killer! Yesterday the last couple hours of the day I don't think I have ever felt soo tired in my mission but it was an incredible feeling of just hitting my pillow as the words came into my mind, "Well done thou good and faithful servant!" That's some of my favorite things to feel, the gratitude and love of our Heavenly Father for the work that hastens along. Because all in all, it is all His. And I love being able to make Him pleased of my work! 

Keep going strong Dad!!! You can do anything! I look up to you everyday of my mission! The other day we were teaching a 16 year old boy that has incredible faith. You will hear more about him in my family letter. But his name is Nicolas. His parents don't really support him, but He has so much faith! I got really emotional in our last appointment with him because he accepted a baptism date and said he is going to do everything to convince his parents to let him enter the church. As he testified to us, I really could see my dad´s same faith when you were listening to the missionaries, more or less in the same situation. I love LOVE! Ha ha, I love how I get to feel love so much in my mission! It's the best! 

I love this gospel so much Dad! And I love you!

Love your son,

Elder Cowan

Monday, September 8, 2014

Transfers! Time to Lead!

Dear Family and Friends!

Well! We just got back from transfer meetings and, luckily, Elder Kimball and I are staying together! Woo hoo! I'm soo happy! Really I don't think I can control or express my excitement for the month of September. One reason is because September is the month of Chile´s Independence of when they go ALL out! Ha ha, I'm so excited! It's a week long and it starts the 11th and ends the 18th! 

Actually, we had a stake activity already to celebrate it and it was a church FILLED! ha ha, Holy cow! It was so much fun! We had our awesome family, Nancy, Alejandro, and Francisco, go and we all enjoyed it. There was a lot of dancing and a ton of empanadas! You wouldn't believe it! There were over thousands of them! Ha ha, you could say we ate good! And that's only for the start of the month! I feel like we are going to eat a lot of empanadas this month! Woo hoo! (Sorry Blake, I know you probably miss empanadas but I´ll eat one in honor of you, ha ha.)

But I´ll get straight to the week! So the transfer ended and, as well, Sunday, we had day light savings and the time changed which hardly anyone knew about so that affected our attendance at church and we only had like 60 people attending. Compare that to the week before when we had ward conference and we had 120. . . Ha ha. So I hope we can get that up!

With our ward, though, there are 3 companionships of Elders. And with the transfers 3 of the 6 left, just leaving Elder Kimball and I with another really shy Elder that arrived the last transfer. So we both realized that we have to step up a little bit and lead the ward, because we have already seen in these last two days that the members are turning to us for things and not the new missionaries as much. With this opportunity, Elder Kimball and I want to take advantage and lift up this ward. As well, in our ward conference two Sundays ago the Stake president was really direct and just told everyone Poniente (our ward) is the worst in the stake. Ha ha, yea he was really blunt. Ha ha, but it was good because this ward really does need a lot of help. It has a lot of people and the leadership positions are all filled but. . . we just fault action. But now with this opportunity to have the trust of the members, after the talk from the Stake President, we want to change this ward to be an example to the rest in the stake!

We actually had interviews as a zone with President on Friday where when he pulled me in for my interview we talked a lot about the ward. And President told me that he trusts in me to strengthen wards and to help them progress. It was a lot of compliments and I felt really privileged of what president said about me. He then told me, "Elder Cowan . . . I need you, and I need you now." He really wants me to strengthen this ward a lot, just as I did in Clara Estrella (or Clear Star now). I feel like it's a big responsibility, but at the same time I know I have the trust of my companion, my president, and from the Lord to change the hearts of the members. So Elder Kimball and I are really excited to get to work with this new transfer. It will probably be our last transfer together because Hermana Barreiros told us today that president wanted to change us, but knows that this ward needs us so they kept us together for one more transfer. She smiled and told us to enjoy it, but that after we won't be together. So with that, Elder Kimball and I are really motivated to give it our all while we are together these last 6 weeks! 

But now onto our incredible investigators! Franscisco, Alejandro and Nancy are incredible! They are truly prepared! And that is another reason why I am sooo happy because I was really scared that I would fall into the same routine that has happened to me before in my mission. We find a lot of great investigators and have a lot of baptism dates, but then transfers come a long and I leave and never see the baptisms. But Saturday night when we got the call that we were both staying we both got soo happy and just hugged each other and got soo excited! I'm so excited for the chance I have this transfer to see my investigators get baptized! I'm soo happy! :)      

With Franscisco, Nancy, and Alejandro we have really been trying to focus on showing the members on how prepared they are to motivate them to work with us. And actually a lot of members are jumping right on the train with us! It's awesome! This past week we had a lot of members come with us in the lesson with them. As well, we had a Family Home Evening and we have another Family Home Evening tonight with the 1st counselor of the stake presidency! It's going to be so great! They are progressing soo fast! As well, they attended church yesterday and just love it! In our lesson on Tuesday, (after the first Sunday attending with us) we entered the house and asked them how Sunday went. And they just told us that they loved it! They told us that they want to attend regularly every Sunday! I was taken back a little because I have never really seen an investigator commit so faithfully to attend church! They're great! As well, they went on to tell us that ever since we have entered their home, they have experienced something beautiful--something that really brings them all together. They told us that they have really felt like they have found true happiness! And they are reading! And are already in 1 Nefi 8! Woo hoo! All that in just one week! And they already have attended church twice and they really could be baptized after they attend church next week, but we want to make sure with everything!

As well, another cool experience I had was Thursday when the elders in my district told me that I would have to do a baptism interview. As a district leader, I really think that that is one of the best and coolest privileges I get to experience as a leader. I love performing those interviews. These interviews were for two young women of a less active that the elders found that they have been teaching, called Myrae and Thyare. Normally, I feel really nervous in the interviews, but in these two interviews I just had the Spirit really direct the interview. It was such a beautiful experience and I don't even know how to explain it. I just felt SOO much love for them. And during the interview I had these soft gentle impressions come to me telling me, "Elder Cowan . . . Elder Cowan . . . they are ready, they are ready, have my daughters come unto me." Really with the interview with Myrae, who is only 15 years old, we both ended the interview crying over the great blessing it is to have this gospel in our lives. They were so prepared and it was such a great experience to see their baptism yesterday. It really was a testimony to me of how this gospel changes the hearts of men and women which I saw in my interview with Thyare who is 18 years old, she already has a 2 year old son, and before in high school was involved in a lot of bad things, including marijuana and other drugs. As I asked her what repentance meant for her, it was truly incredible and breath taking to me to see this sister of mine completely be changed through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.

I am so grateful to be a missionary and to be His representative. I am so grateful for the chance Elder Kimball and I have to be together and to really see a lot of success for this month. As well, I am super grateful for a family that has baptism dates and for the chance I have to be a district leader and perform these special sacred interviews that really open the door for their salvacion. I know I am nothing, I know the Spirit leads us in this work. I know that we can be changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, no matter what he have done. He loves us. He wants the best for us, and has payed and layed it out for us and we just have to extend ourselves into His merciful arms. I love my Savior and I love this work.

I know this letter was a little shorter and I don't have enough time to write about all our experiences, but I hope you all have a great week and really know that our Savior loves you as well as myself. Love you all! Thanks for everything!


Elder Cowan!

Monday, September 1, 2014

One Year! Finding Another Way!

WOOOO HOOOO!!! Yea Amazing Family and Friends!!!!

Okay, I just am so pumped right now to share these wonderful experiences that we have had this past week! Ahhh! I just wanna first start off by saying, "The Lord is Hastening His Work!!!!!" Do you guys understand that?!! Just thinking that makes me want to go run out and start working!!! There isn´t time to waste here guys!! And, yes, as most of you know, I did hit one year in the mission! And I will just be honest, I have been trying to think of what I can write to you guys about my feelings about my mission and toward me hitting my one year mark, but I know none of you will understand this happiness and joy that I have and that I hold so personally to my heart. The mission is just indescribable, but I will let all know this, it's the best. I have learned and changed so much in my mission. I really think out of everything in my mission, I have converted myself and have had the biggest change within myself. Other than that, I feel like I won't be able to describe my feelings for this past year without using the typical cliche phrases. But just imagine the happiest moment of your life, and then at least double that happiness and that's what you feel in a mission.

As well, I just feel weird writing about my one year mark because it still hasn't hit me yet or I just haven't accepted it yet. Like really this past year has gone by soo fast that I can't believe it one bit. I was on divisiones when I hit my one year mark when I was telling him about my one year and everything and was just thinking out loud of why something SO great and wonderful has to go by SO fast and short?! Then this elder opened his scriptures and shared Alma 40:8 with me which says, 
    "Now whether there is more than one time appointed for men to rise it mattereth not; for all do not die at once, and this mattereth not; all is as ONE DAY with God, and TIME only is measured unto men."

He shared this with me and told me that he believes that time is just a thing human beings have used to "try" at their best to measure the things a lot greater than those from God. And I don't know, but it was a cool experience. I am on the Lord's time, I know that without a doubt! And His "time" is a whole lot different from our time. And I know this past year has gone by so fast, but it is the best ever!

Well, okay! Now onto my week! I think I will start from backwards of how the week went a little! It was just all so good! Wooh! I am just so excited to keep going and going to hasten the Lord's work!! :) One awesome experience I had was on Friday. We got special permission from our leaders form the mission to accompany the daughter of the second counselor in the bishopric to her school. We went to her school because she had a project where she was in charge of the class for a whole day. So she could do whatever she wanted and teach whatever she wanted to teach. Her name is Kata and being an AWESOME member missionary who is only 17 years old in high school decided to teach her whole class about the Church!! Woo hoo! (And just to let you guys know, the schools here are really different and unlike back home where it's almost impossible to talk about religion in schools, but here it's not a problem at all!)

So we were able to go and help her teach her whole entire class! Ha ha! It was soo cool! There were about 25 people in the class and we taught EVERYTHING! Ha ha, it felt so cool to be in front of this big group and to just testify to them of this truth! I kinda felt like Dan Jones! Ha ha! It was awesome! It really was just a question and answering. And we were able to answer every single question! Ha ha. it was a sweet experience! We taught the Restoration, Plan of Salvation, temples, Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity, family history work, and the rest of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Ha ha it was soo sweet! There were a ton of questions! Ha ha and the class was about 2 hours and we used it all up! Ha ha! 

There was a question from the teacher who was the most interested in the gospel of Jesus Christ, when she raised her hand and asked us,"If God loves us, why doesn't He just show us that He's here and show us the way? Why does He make us have tests in life?" As I was thinking of the best way to respond, I turned to her and asked another question to answer her own question. I then asked her,"Well, why do you give tests to your students? You want the best for them right? Why don't you just give them all the answers? Why does it have to be hard sometimes for them?"  Ha ha ha, after that the teacher realized the answer to which the whole classed just said "ohhhh" at how I got back at the teacher with my other questions! Ha ha, it was funny!

Then Thursday we had Elder Walter F. Gonzalez from the 70! He is in charge of the South American South zone of the Church and I don't know if you guys remember, but he came in Abril to our mission to launch the new Pilot Plan that our mission and three other misisons are trying out! Well, he wanted to come again to see how it's been going! And it really has been giving GREAT results! It is such a HUGE privilege that I get to be in one out of only four missions in the whole entire world that gets to try out this new pilot plan! As a mission we are baptizing a whole lot more, reactivating a ton more, and the number at our sacrament meeting attendance has shot up as well! We are seeing straight miracles with this plan! And it is so awesome! We are trying this plan out till December and we are progressing and leading South America thanks to this plan! It's incredible!

So he came and talked to all the mission Thursday which was so cool! And he really pumped us all up! I already know right now that September is going to be an incredible month! I know we are going to break records and have an overflowing of miracles! And you know why?! Because HE´S HASTENING HIS WORK! The field is white as Doctrine and Covenants says! So family and friends get your sheaves ready to harvest!!! It's game time! Ha ha! :)

But an ever cooler experience was Wednesday the day before when I got a call in the morning from the assistants and they were inviting me specifically to a special private meeting with Elder Gonzalez and some leaders. Well, I just thought that the meeting included all zone and district leaders. But I got back to the house and was ready to leave when there was another district leader who we live with and I asked him if he was ready to go. He looked at me confused and later we found out that I was the only district leader in our zone that was invited. That made me a little nervous for some reason. But Elder Kimball and I left to the MTC, where the meeting was going to be, and found out that all the zone leaders were invited to this meeting, and only four district leaders out of the entire misison were invited. Woow! I felt super privileged to be there! And out of the four district leaders I knew the other three! They were Elder Hatch (who I lived in Clara Estrella with), Elder Smith (who is the elder with the jumpsuit that one p-day who reminds me a lot of Austin Mills ha ha) and Elder Goates who is a super great buddy of mine who was in my same group when we got here! 

When the meeting started President introduced Elder Gonzalez to the leaders and told him that there were four district leaders who He trusts in a lot and who have had a lot of success and great results with this pilot plan. Woow! I was just a little embarrassed and blushed! But each one of us got to talk to him personally for like 30 seconds and shake his hand! It was so cool! And then the meeting started, well, it really wasn't a meeting, it was just a big discussion. We were all sharing our thoughts about the pilot plan. The point of the meeting was to see how the plan is going and to see what else we can do for it to go better and to work out the nits and bits of the plan. 

Seriously, if I could describe the meeting, it was as if Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were in that room. You could just feel the power and just the feeling that we were laying down a legacy here for the Lord's work! And if I had to relate it to something, really I felt like one of the Founding Fathers of the Constitution but instead, a Founding Missionary for the Hastening of His Work. I know that not a whole lot of missionaries get that type of opportunity. I know and can testify without a doubt that that meeting will go down for one in the record books in the history of the Church! It was such a great experience! Elder Gonzalez even told us at the end, "Elders! If we can work out all the tiny knicks and tweebs of this pilot plan, then this will go forth throughout all the Lord's work and not just in four missions right now and it will be a testimony that He is really Hastening His work! Wooow! That's huge! And I will be able to say that I was at the counsel meeting! :) Amazing!!!!!

Now onto the time we had for working in our sector which, as well, we had miracles! Woo hoo! The huge miracle was with Francisco (another new new Francisco ha ha) and his parents, Alejandro and Nancy! We have been struggling lately with new investigators and with the investigators that we have right now to progress. But we decided to go to a new part in our sector. Just as Elder Kimball always tells me, "We have to Find Another Way, because we're not going to give up!" So we decided to changed things up and go to the farthest part of our sector. It's like an extra 30 minutes walk and it's a new, new neighborhood with houses that have 2 floors (which is rare) and you have to cross all this farm land. It's really out in the middle of no where, but it's in our sector as well! So we decided to go and start contacting. We realized right away that this sector is a little more wealthy so the people are a little bit more prideful and stuck up. But we decided we were going to Find Another Way! So we started contacting, contacting, and contacting. . . We contacted from about 3:30 till about 8 at night And for almost that whole entire time we only entered one house. It was hard, but we kept going!

We even ran into the "president" of the neighborhood and he was a cranky rich man that told us straight up that we weren't going to have success there. But we just smiled and told him, "If the Lord wants, we'll just have to see!" Ha ha, and then we walked away! But as we were there all night we got really hungry, so we went to a tiny shop and bought some snacks and we were just wiped! I was exhausted! We were eating our food when there was a young man (Francisco) who opened the door right next to us and called out to us. We hurried and swallowed our food and only when we were able to say our names, took our hands and pulled us into his house! Ha ha! Then there was a lady on the couch who looked a little sad, but when she saw us, jumped up and started yelling in excitement and kept saying, "Oh yea, oh yea, they really did come!" We were a little confused and asked her if she was a member. She told us she wasn't but that she has been waiting for us to knock on her door (even though we technically never did!)

She went on to explain that she saw us some time before contacting and knocking on doors. She saw us when she needed to leave and go buy bread at the store. She went on to tell us that when she saw us, she was hoping that maybe we would pass by her house. But having to go by bread she didn't want to miss the opportunity so she told her son, Francisco, that if we came by to let them him. She continued to tell us that she hurried and bought bread and came back to only hear the sad news from her son that the missionaries never came by, she told herself to just forget about it and that maybe we left to another sector. But at that same time, Francisco who has a lot of health problems right now (which they don't know what he has, but it's pretty serious) was having a hard time breathing and wanted to go take some fresh air. So that is when he opened the door, just to see us eating right in front of his house! 

We were able to enter and meet the whole family and they are just super prepared. I know Heavenly Father has been so merciful to us with having this family prepared. They are incredible. Tuesday we just had a tiny lesson where we were able to find out that their nephew and brother in law just passed away. And, as well, we found out that they have been looking for a faith but are too confused on where to go to find the "one."  :) :) :)

We were able to pass by again Saturday in the night where we were able to teach the Restoration. Afterwards they invited "a tomar once" which we found on the table coffee and tea. I was a little nervous that we had just found these new super awesome investigators and now we were going to have problems with Word of Wisdom. A lot of times when we have entered houses for the first time where we eat once and when we try to tell the people the reasons of why we don't drink coffee and tea and, with my experiences in the mission, it really just closes off the investigators because they don't understand, especially if it is in the first lesson. That's just how it was on Saturday with our first lesson with them. But we were able to teach the Restoration and, as well, they didn't get offended when we explained the situation about coffee and tea. And from there we were able to teach the Word of Wisdom which I have never been able to do in the first lesson with investigators, but that just proves of how prepared they are. And they understood it all! And, as well, they accepted to go to church. Which! They did attend church with us yesterday and it was just incredible because it was our ward conference, as well, and the Spirit was so strong in the meeting! And! The best part! They accepted baptism dates for the 20th of September!! Woo hooo! Seriously they are incredible! The Lord is Hastening His work. And the only way to do that is by helping us find His chosen elect! 

I hope that you guys can join in our prayers and fast this Sunday for this baptism date. And that they can make it to this date to be able to make this covenant with our loving Heavenly Father! I am so grateful for This Work! I love being a missionary! I am a little nervous because the 8th of September we have transfers which I hope I don't go! But if it so be, so be it! I love this work so much it doesn't matter where I am!

I love you all so much! I hope you will be able to be witnesses just like me in seeing the Hastening of the Lord's work and to feel the love He has for all of His children! 

Wish you all a great week! As well to all those who are starting up their studies! God Speed!


Elder Cowan