Monday, September 29, 2014

Down to the very last second MIRACLE!

Dear Family and Friends!

Awww, I'm just completely overwhelmed of gratitude for the limitless blessings and miracles from the Lord that took place in only these past 7 days! I hope I will be able to cover everything that happened this week! Because it was JAMMED packed with a ton of awesome things! But to first start off, Mom, yes, we are still visiting Francisco and Caroline but we haven't been able to visit them for like the past 2 weeks because they are only available Wednesday in the nights which is the days we normally visit Nancy and Alejandro. And we weren't able to visit Nicolas or Gustavo this past week either but! We were super occupied with miracles!!!!

But to first start off the week. . . we were pressed with some high opposition with Nancy, Alejandro and Francisco this week from the beginning on Monday. After p-day we went over to their house and taught the Word of Wisdom. From that we knew that Alejandro was drinking a little wine and a lot of tea. As well, Nancy smoked a little and, as well, drank tea. . . they were taken back a little bit when they learned about the Word of Wisdom and how they will have to drop these things for good now. But we testified and testified so much that at the end of the lesson they understood that it really was a revelacion from a prophet of God and that it all depends on their obedience. But ending Monday like that Elder Kimball and I were a little worried because we had planned for them to be baptized that weekend. But we prayed a lot and trusted in the Lord that they would reach to that day. . . . 

Tuesday was a day where I was gone and went on divisions with an Elder in my district, so I was a little worried that I wasn't going to be there to teach Nancy and Alejandro, but I know I have such a studly companion and knew that Elder Kimball would lead everything well in the lesson. Elder Kimball called me Tuesday and notified me that again they had a more or less lesson with them. They taught the Law of Chastity and Elder Kimball told me that Francisco wasn't really sure about it all because he has some strong relationships with his girlfriend. . . That made me stress a little bit just because I knew I wasn't there to help them and the fact that for the past 3 or so weeks we have been teaching them a lot and they just have been eating all our lessons up and progressing super fast. But this past week with the Word of Wisdom and then in that moment with the Law of Chastity they were now more or less in the lessons. 

I couldn't wait to get back to my sector after the call from Elder Kimball Tuesday, but the zone leaders called me and told me that they wanted to go on divisions with us Wednesday and that I would be going to their sector while one of our zone leaders would go with Elder Kimball to our sector. I was a little bummed about that because that meant I wouldn't be in my sector for 2 straight days and that meant two straight days in a week when we were trying everything possible to pull off a baptism by the weekend. So I was even more stressed out, but I obediently went with our zone leader and was in his sector Wednesday which was a busy day and we had a lot of success, but I was worried the whole time because I knew we would have to have their baptism interviews Thursday or Friday to be able to baptize them Saturday and confirm them Sunday. 

So Elder Kimball called me again Wednesday night and notified me that Nancy, Alejandro, and Francisco had a lot of doubts and weren't really sure about being baptized Saturday. Elder Kimball told me that they couldn't really have them commit 100% to anything, but that they were able to finish teaching all the lessons. And soo you could probably imagine that I was super stressed out and worried! And even more because it was only a few days before our planned baptism and I still hadn't seen our investigators for two days! Ha ha, you can probably imagine the joy I had to finally get back with Elder Kimball to our sector Thursday. Elder Kimball and I prayed, prayed, prayed, and prayed SOO much! I have never felt the spirit so strong in my prayers before. In those prayers we really poured out all our souls to the Lord; I have never felt such a high level of prayer before. I am just incredibly grateful for Elder Kimball because he lead our sector so great while I was gone and he has so much faith! 
Thursday morning and Friday we were occupied the entire time preparing a lesson plan for Nancy and Alejandro. We finally came up with a plan and went to their house for the night. We started off with verifying the commitment that Elder Kimball left for them to do the night before, which was to simply re-read Moroni 10:3-5 and to pray to really know if all of this was true and to know if they should be baptized Saturday. Well, they told us that they did it and none of them felt like they received any type of answer. I was just dumb founded that they really didn't feel anything. I was really confused at how they couldn't receive anything. But I felt a strong impression during the lesson that, of course, they didn't receive any answer and that was because they had already received it before. We then testified of the power of the Atonement and that through the Grace of His Atonement whatever our faults or whatever short-comings we end up with, He provides the rest. We showed the video, "Because of Him" which that video is so awesome! Afterward the spirit was so strong. We invited them AGAIN to be baptized this Saturday and they felt like they just weren't completely sure. I then decided to ask them the baptismal interview questions to which they all believed in everything. I pulled out my agenda to the page that shows those questions and showed and proved to them that they were ready.
We testified that fear and faith can't be together. That is when I realized the time and it was really late and we needed to get back to the pension, but still we didn't have a 100% yes on the baptism. But I really couldn't think of anything else to do, so we ended with a prayer and I stood up, looked them all in the eye and told them, "If you guys really do have the faith, then you will act in that faith and we WILL see you guys tomorrow at the stake center for your interviews." And then we left! 

Not until we entered the house is when I realized what exactly I had just done . . . we had really just left everything up to the Lord to see if they would really act in faith. But we weren't just going to act like sitting ducks and wait so we decided to act in our faith and ran around all Friday trying to plan everything for the baptism and to find baptism tunics. And we were able to work everything out and then went to the stake center at 7:30 . . . where we waited, and waited, and waited! Aww, it felt like an eternity! I was panicking and was so nervous to see if they really were going to show up or not. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went into a small room and prayed. And it was probably one of the most beautiful prayers I have ever felt, the spirit was so strong. I really just plead with the Lord that it was in His hands and that there was nothing I could do, but that if He could just let us have these baptisms, then He would help them show up for their interviews.

After that prayer, with tears in my eyes I went up to Elder Kimball who was praying in another room, with tears in his eyes as well, and we both smiled and told each, "Yes, it's totally going to happen." Up to that point we waited with the zone leaders till 8:43 with only like 15 minutes left till curfew when we got a phone call. . . . .and it was NANCY! And they told us that they were waiting outside the church!!!!!!!!! :) Oh what joy and happiness! I was overwhelmed to see them waiting for us! Francisco wasn't there because he still has to fulfill some goals we set for the Law of Chastity, but he still wanted to go but physically couldn't come because his health problems acted up again and was in bed the whole day and couldn't move his back. But Nancy and Alejandro came and they both passed their interview!!!! Afterwards they told us that Alejandro wanted me to baptize him and Nancy wanted Elder Kimball to baptize her. AwwWWw I can't even describe the happiness to know that this couple was going to be baptized! I realized that it had been some time since I personally had been in the baptismal font and I was just overwhelmed with joy!

Really, with all the challenges we had with them this past week finally the miracle came down to the very last second! And the big day arrived! Saturday we went to the chapel early to start filling up the baptismal font. The heater was broken so we had to fill it up with cold water. We also found out that the other elders from the ward were going to have two baptism as well. There was a kid in the ward that was going to be baptized by his dad. So when the font was all filled, everyone arrived and and we changed into white. And as you can see in the pictures it was a full "White House!" There were a total of 10 people dressed in white! It was an overwhelming experience and I had a smile that entire afternoon and night--a smile from ear to ear! You could really feel that we were in the presence of angels. It was such a beautiful experience to witness and to see so many people accepting the Lord's covenant and gospel. Elder Kimball and I were just balling our eyes out! Ha ha!

The baptismal service was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever felt in my mission. Everything was perfect! The talks were so powerful and the special musical numbers and everything. And then it finally came down to the moment! The actual baptism. Alejandro and I were last, but remember when I said we had to fill the font with cold water . . .well by 8 o clock the temperature dropped a whole lot and the water was FREEZING! Ha ha, aww it was sooo cold! Ha ha, but it was worth it so much! Alejandro and I entered and we looked up and we had such a big amount of people from the ward to support them. I was able to offer the prayer and baptized Alejandro. The happiness is indescribable . . . 

After we returned to the sacrament room where Nancy and Alejandro wanted to give their testimonies. And when Alejandro bore his testimony, dressed in a new black suit, the spirit testified to me that this man is going to be a priesthood holder, and not only a priesthood holder, but a leader in this church. As he bore his simple, but powerful testimony about the Book of Mormon it looked as if he were a bishop or stake president. It was incredible!

Sunday, the bishop gave us the opportunity to confirm them, as well, which was another sweet experience to really give the Holy Ghost to them. They are so strong now! They are just an example to me and I know just as you said, Mom and Dad, the veil was opened and we did see the Lord's hand mold two of his children to be faithful members in His church. Everything was a miracle this past week! I know Francisco couldn't be baptized, but he for sure will in the month of October! 

The Lord is blessing us soo much! I have never felt His love so strong in my life! I love His gospel. I am eternally grateful for the Restoration and for the chance to hold this priesthood to baptize God's Children. I love this gospel so much!! I am so grateful that these baptisms took place! Thank you all so much for your prayers in our behalf, we witnessed the blessings this last weekend. Now we will go forth and keep giving it our all before the end of transfers which today during p-day we ran into President who told me that I'm going to have transfers. . . it's sad to hear that, but it just gives Elder Kimball and I more excitement to really dedicate and consecrate the next half part of the transfer to see more of the miracles that our Heavenly Father has in store for us.

He is with us all. He loves you all so much! Just as I love each and every one of you so much!

Have an incredible week!


Elder Cowan

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