Dear Family and Friends!
How is everyone doing!!!??? (And that's not a closed-end question) I actually wanna hear HOW you are all doing! Ha ha I'm doing great and doing the greatest thing in life! And that's being a missionary obviously!! Woo hoo! I really didn't know what to put as the title of my letter this week, so mom if you wanna change it, go ahead and change it! Ha ha But at the same time it's true. I have really come to really find the principle of power in faith and to feel the endless flow of love in this gospel! Man, just to think that if missionaries never baptized my dad that I would probably never have been born! Ha ha, weird thought. . . But! I really do love this gospel so much! I love having faith in my Savior Jesus Christ who supports and guides me everyday! It is such a tender experience being a missionary!
Well, onto our awesome week! Well first off! This past week was the first week of the new transfer and Elder Kimball and I are just PUMPED! Aww like so pumped as if we were going to swim a 4X100 relay race at State or something, ha ha, I don't know how to explain it! But tenemos animo!! And it's not just us, but our district, zone, and the whole mission is so excited right now. It's incredible! :) This transfer we are giving it our ALL! And this past week I don't think I have worked soo hard and have used my time so efficiently these past 7 days! And it's just been a feeling of satisfaction for what we have done, not pride, but to really have the confidence that our loving Heavenly Father is really with us and blessing us! How incredible that is since I just read some other letters from some other missionaries in their missions and how spectacular it is to know that He's blessing everyone! He is for sure hastening His work! Woo hoo!
Another cool exciting thing that happened this past week is the 11th of Septiembre! Which is the start of Chile´s Independence Week! And wow! It's so weird to think that for the Independence last year I was still in the CCM! Woo! Time flies! But Chile is awesome! If you think it's cool to see those deacon and teachers run and put out flags on your yard, wait until you see Chile! Boom! It's Chilean flags en cualquier lado (everywhere!!). They sure have pride of their country! And so do I!This country is amazing! And they don't just celebrate their Independence for one day, but for a whole week! Oh yea! We have been eating good this week, trust me! Ha ha! :) A lot of Coca Cola and meat! Ha ha! That's Chile for ya! And it's the best!
We had a lot of tender mercies this week as well! The first one was on the 11th of September. We ate in the house that day and we were there with the six missionaries of the whole ward. We were discussing about how the day was going to be with all the festivals and holiday stuff going on that day. The other elders thought that it would be a slow day and that they wouldn't get into a whole lot of houses. But we ate fast (cause we always eat faster in the house than in the houses of the members) and it was about 2:30, which normally missionaries start having lessons at about 4. Normally during this time it is a little bit more harder to work because that's the time of "siesta" where everyone kinda chills out and takes naps and stuff--that or they are eating lunch. Since we are normally always in the houses of the members at that time, we just decided to leave because we weren't just gonna give up and sit in the house like the others. So Elder Kimball and I walked out of the house and didn't even walk down 10 houses when we knocked on a door of an old investigator who we have never been able to find because her schedule is really difficult. But when we knocked on the door, she answered! And we were able to give her a lesson and as a reward (I think for leaving early and working she gave us a Chilean Flag! woo hoo!). We were able to pass by the house where the elders were still there just laying on the couch and once they saw our cool flag they jumped up and asked, "Where'd you get that?" And Elder Kimball just really slyly said, "Obedience comes with a price!" Ha ha, from then the other elders got off their butts and we all went to work before 4! Ha ha!
As well, we were able to teach Francisco and Carolina twice this week and they are really progressing great! I don't know what it is about them, but I love visiting with them! I want to help this new family to be together forever! As well, we found a new investigator this week called Nicolas! Who is only 16 years old but is a neighbor and friends of another investigator we have. He has problems with the relationships with his parents, but he is really humble and really just wants the best in his life. We were able to teach him twice this week as well. The first time was on Tuesday where when we showed up the dad was a little rude and wasn't going to let us in. So we had to teach Nicolas on the front door step. But even though the setting was a little different and odd, the spirit was so strong! And even though he's just a teenager he is really mature and has a lot of faith! It is a testimony builder to me! And we were able to give the first lesson in 15 minutes and even right there on the door step we knelt and prayed and he accepted a baptism date! Woo hoo! :)
Then we passed by again Friday where again we couldn't go inside, but we decided to go to the park in front of his house (which is next to a Catholic church which was a little weird but whatevs! ha ha) and at that time the sun was setting and the wind was picking up and it was getting really cold. As we sat on the bench together, I realized he was shivering and I gave him my coat, which made me start to get cold and shiver. But it was truly a tender mercy as we said the first prayer and started testifying to him, it was just as if it was a switch and the coldness just went right away. I have come to know why it says, the fire of the Holy Ghost because as we began testifying, I wasn't cold anymore and really felt like we were all next to a little campfire. Then as the lesson ended, and as we ended with the last prayer and when the words, "Amen" were spoken, the switch turned again and the coldness came in. Ha ha, it was really a sweet experience to know that even though we were in a weird setting with cold weather, the spirit was there with us. To that I can testify.
Then Saturday the tender mercies didn't stop. Saturday morning we decided to go back to the new "rich" part of our sector that they are building (where we found Nancy, Alejandro, and Francisco) and decided to go contacting. We contacted the whole morning and it was at first a little battle . . . As we contacted for about 2 hours we weren’t having any luck. We hadn’t been able to talk with anyone. There was a battle of thoughts going through my head. Some like, "Elder Cowan what are you doing here, they are all rich, they wont be receptive, and they are all working . . ." But at the same time I had thoughts like, "Just keep going, it will all pay off if you show your faith . . ." After a couple of blocks and with this inner fight going on, we decided to stop at the corner of a block and I asked Elder Kimball how he was feeling. He expressed that he was in the same situation. He decided to think of what he should do. And as we thought, there was a silence for a few minutes. Then Elder Kimball just perked his head up and just told me, "We're still going!" And from that I was able to feed back from his excitement and decided to keep contacting--to which we knocked on the VERY next door and Gustavo answered the door! He's 19 years old and let us in right away! He is really nice and really receptive! I was just blown out of my mind at what really happened. And how perfectly timed it was. I looked at Elder Kimball and he had the biggest smile on his face. So we went in and taught him and he wants us to keep coming by more! Woo hoo! What a blessing!
Now to the last bits and parts of our incredible week! Now onto Nancy, Alejandro, and Francisco! Our family of Gold! Awww I love them so much! They attended church again with us and they are just loving it! We were able to pass by twice this week and they are really progressing a lot! We have to help Nancy and Alejandro with the Word of Wisdom, but other than that they are progressing great. They are going out of town to the south for the holidays this week so we changed their baptism dates for the 27th. Please pray for them to get baptized on that date. Well, that Saturday or Sunday. I guess just pray for that weekend! :) It is truly awesome how the members are working with us. They have noticed that they are super prepared and have just jumped on the train of excitement with us! We have been having a lot of Family Home Evenings with them at the houses of the members that want them to come. We actually had too many houses offer for a family night that we had to turn some down which I have never had to do before! Tuesday we had a Family Home Evening with the 1st counselor of the stake presidency and his family. And they are just incredible! They are like one of my favorite families! And it went great! We actually had to leave early to enter the house on time, but they stayed with the family till about 11:30 at night! Ha ha It's awesome to see the excitement in the members!
And with that, my week has been one for the books for sure. A lot of tender mercies and miracles are happening. I am so grateful that I didn't have changes and that I am here to leave my legend behind here. I am so grateful for the faith and love this gospel gives me. I have seen these tender mercies take place through faith. Every day it is such a blessing to feel Christ's love, no matter what happens! I love feeling this love! And I love this Gospel!
I love you all sooooo much! You are all in my prayers! Have an incredible week!
Love You!!!
Love Elder Cowan
Here's a little note to me:
Wow an awesome week at the temple! After my mission I just hope I can go to the temple sooo much! I miss it some times but at the same time what I'm doing is amazing! :) But I always love hearing about your temple experiences. as well that idea about what Aunt Debbie´s ward does is cool! I love the idea! Maybe we will be able to try it out! Great thinking Mom! :)
As well, just to let you know, my health is all good. For some reason Saturday and Sunday of the last week the area of my hernia was hurting me. But it's gone away now. And we are all back to normal working. Whenever it does act up, I take it easy, though. And I thought I had one more doctor's appointment, but they never called so I think I'm good!
Here's his letter to Mike:
Wooow! That´s soo cool that you got to be with Elder Cook! I'm sure that meeting was incredible! We also just got some exciting news too! The 10th of November Elder Russell M. Nelson is coming to talk to our mission! Woo hoo! It's going to be awesome! Elder Holland last year and now Elder Nelson! Woo hoo! I'm so excited! And for the general conference! I love listening to the prophets and apostles! :)
And even though our mission president has talked about that same exact scripture, (D&C 138:56) this time in your letter it really stood out at me! Wow, I just can't express it enough, being a missionary is extraordinary! It's amazing, amazing, amazing! This month in the mission we are really pushing ourselves. President has set a lot of high goals, but this is the time that I have felt like the whole entire mission is excited and pumped to achieve these goals and dreams we have! I feel like my faith has boasted ten fold and Elder Kimball and I are working soo hard! Woo! This past week was a killer! Yesterday the last couple hours of the day I don't think I have ever felt soo tired in my mission but it was an incredible feeling of just hitting my pillow as the words came into my mind, "Well done thou good and faithful servant!" That's some of my favorite things to feel, the gratitude and love of our Heavenly Father for the work that hastens along. Because all in all, it is all His. And I love being able to make Him pleased of my work!
Keep going strong Dad!!! You can do anything! I look up to you everyday of my mission! The other day we were teaching a 16 year old boy that has incredible faith. You will hear more about him in my family letter. But his name is Nicolas. His parents don't really support him, but He has so much faith! I got really emotional in our last appointment with him because he accepted a baptism date and said he is going to do everything to convince his parents to let him enter the church. As he testified to us, I really could see my dad´s same faith when you were listening to the missionaries, more or less in the same situation. I love LOVE! Ha ha, I love how I get to feel love so much in my mission! It's the best!
I love this gospel so much Dad! And I love you!
Love your son,
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